
"Gay Conversion" Therapist Using "Color Therapy" Is Colorblind

Rich Juzwiak · 03/19/14 10:39AM

Last night on U.K. TV, doctor/TV presenter/hunk of stuff Christian Jessen underwent various kinds of reparative therapy people seek to rid themselves of homosexuality in the one-off special Undercover Doctor: Cure Me I'm Gay. Now listen to me, 'cause I am about to fuck you up with some truth in the form of the spoiler to end all spoilers: It didn't work. Ingesting a drug so that he threw up as he was presented with naked men didn't work. Being fed subliminal messages about his penis' ability to remain erect inside of a vagina didn't work. Being told by evangelist teenagers that homosexuality is caused by demons didn't work (although it did make him cry).

Watch the President of Exodus International Face Recovering Ex-Gays

Rich Juzwiak · 06/21/13 11:30AM

Last night's episode of Our America with Lisa Ling explored the damage the just-shuttered gay "reparative therapy" organization Exodus International caused during its decades in business. It was cathartic to watch the grief-stricken face of Exodus president Alan Chambers (an ex-gay himself — his wife sat next to him the entire time) as people shared their stories of how close his organization came to ruining their lives. He deserves all the chiding he gets and then some, and he seems to realize it. Though the apology he read to these recovering ex-gays was basically an early draft of the one he shared with the world earlier this week (at the time of filming, he intended to keep Exodus running with a different agenda) he also welcomed their criticism.

Ex-Gay Therapist Wants to Sue California for Reparative Therapy Ban

Kate Bennert · 10/01/12 04:35PM

Noted homophobe and ex-gay who "was never gay-identified" David Pickup made an appearance on CNN this afternoon to mansplain to everyone that reparative therapy—designed to "cure" gays of their homosexuality—is still valid because it totally "worked" on him. Pickup (his real name, by the way) is the newest spokesman for National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) after their previous leader George Rekers was caught vacationing with male prostitutes.

Lawsuit Claims Police Took Lesbian for Ex-Gay Therapy Instead of Rehab

Brian Moylan · 05/26/11 03:01PM

According to a lawsuit filed by a lesbian named Amanda Booker, police officers in Bartow County, Georgia, took her to the house of an evangelical "ex-gay therapist" to "attempt to convert Ms. Booker from being a lesbian," rather than taking her to court-appointed rehab.

Wal-Mart Stores Selling Ex-Gay Children's Book

Richard Lawson · 10/08/10 09:54AM

Not surprising, but still awful! About 100 Wal-Mart stores across this hideous nation are selling copies of Chased by an Elephant, the Gospel Truth about Today's Stampeding Sexuality, a kid's book about defeating one's homosexuality, like the author's son "did."