
German Magazine Celebrates George H.W. Bush's Release From Intensive Care by Announcing His Death

Taylor Berman · 12/30/12 07:40PM

When George H.W. Bush was released yesterday from the intensive care unit of a Houston hospital, most news outlets reported the event in a straight forward enough fashion, with some even taking the opportunity to compliment the 88-year-old on his excellent taste in socks. Germany's Der Spiegel, however, took a different approach; instead of reporting his improving health, the magazine accidentally published their pre-written obituary for the former president.

George H.W. Bush in Intensive Care, 'Surrounded By Family,' Doctors 'Cautiously Optimistic'

Max Read · 12/27/12 03:30PM

George H.W. Bush is in intensive care at a Houston hospital thanks to a lingering fever relating to bronchitis. He's been there since before Christmas, and the fever has gotten worse, but he's "alert and talking to medical staff" and his doctors are "cautiously optimistic" — an aide tells CBS that the former president "would ask me to tell you to please put the harps back in the closet." And, luckily, Christmas wasn't ruined — he's been visited by his sons Neil, Jeb and George, whom you may have heard of. [WSJ]

George W. Bush Joins Facebook

Adrian Chen · 06/02/10 06:56PM

Sometimes you're browsing around Facebook and discover the page of a random friend you hadn't thought about for years. That just happened to us, except instead of a friend it was our horrible ex-president. George W. Bush is on Facebook!