Explaining Kevin Durant
Jordan Sargent · 07/05/16 01:45PMA Very Short Guide to a Very Bad Idea: "Brexit"
Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/16 08:20AMYour Gawker Guide to the Glenn Beck-Alex Jones Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory Beef
Andy Cush · 05/26/16 12:00PM
“ALEX JONES: BECK IS A ‘DEMONIC LITTLE GOBLIN’ ‘RUBBING HIS LITTLE POT BELLY ON THE GROUND’ BEFORE ZUCKERBERG,” reads a strange and vivid headline that appeared on Breitbart this week, the latest volley in a war of words between the two most prominent broadcasters of news and opinion for Americans who own a gun and 50 or more bumper stickers.
Sarah Palin's Own on Ted Cruz Is a "Slam Dunk" (Basketball Term)
Ashley Feinberg · 04/27/16 03:27PM
Last night, noted ball-in-hoop lover Ted Cruz ruined a beloved, classic film for an entire nation in a record-breaking 19 seconds. Never one to miss the chance to “score a touchdown” (also a sports term), former sportscaster Sarah Palin took the opportunity to teach Ted Cruz a thing or two about the game of sports. Play ball!
We Have So Much Freakin Oil!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/15 11:12AMThe Thing to Panic About This Week: Junk Bonds
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/15 09:37AMYour Guide to Our New Financial Panic
Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/15 08:52AMWhy Is Everyone Angry With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?
J.K. Trotter · 03/02/15 04:20PM
On March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak before both chambers of Congress about the ongoing negotiations between the United States and the Iranian government over the latter’s ability to acquire and develop nuclear technologies. It’s already considered one of the most controversial political speeches in recent memory, and it hasn’t even happened yet.
Why Is South Sudan a Hellhole? Blame George Clooney
Ken Silverstein · 02/06/15 03:00PMBillionaire Pervert Jeffrey Epstein and His Famous Friends: A Primer
J.K. Trotter · 01/22/15 03:05PMBubble Watch: Junk Bonds Edition
Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/14 11:10AMWhat Is Chuck Johnson, and Why? The Web’s Worst Journalist, Explained
J.K. Trotter · 12/09/14 11:25AMOil Is So Cheap Now. So What?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/14 11:16AMWhat Is Net Neutrality And Why Should I Care? The Non-Geek’s Guide
J.K. Trotter · 11/11/14 05:25PMWhat Is Scotland? An American Guide to the Scottish Independence Vote
Dayna Evans · 09/11/14 12:40PM
Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom for over 300 years. By the end of the year, that could drastically change. A week from today, all Scots over the age of 16 will have a chance to vote on a very simple question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" What does this mean? Allow us to explain.
Don Lemon Has No Idea What an Automatic Weapon Is, But You Should
Adam Weinstein · 08/21/14 03:43PMCNN's Don Lemon is having a tough year, and it's not getting any easier. But he's great for cautionary tales. When, for instance, he tries to have a Ferguson-related conversation about guns and mucks it all up, he offers us a chance to learn something important and improve the national conversation.
Is Israel Really as Good at Shooting Down Rockets as it Claims?
Adam Weinstein · 07/21/14 12:50PMWhy Everyone Is So Worked Up About LeBron James Again
Jordan Sargent · 07/11/14 01:03PM
Just as the World Cup is dwindling down, another sports story has taken over your Twitter feed: the free agency of LeBron James, the best and most famous basketball player in the world. Four years ago James became a national villain after the saga of his first free agency culminated in a one-hour television special, but he has reversed the role today by choosing to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers.