
Bolt Bus Asks Passenger to Join Loyalty Program After Bus Explosion

Andy Cush · 05/14/15 04:04PM

As if the indignity of riding discount transportation to Boston wasn’t enough on its own, passengers of a Bolt Bus were forced to evacuate Monday evening as their chariot burst into flames. When one passenger emailed to complain about the incident, a representative asked her to join the company’s loyalty program so that she could receive “a couple of round trips” in exchange for her troubles.

Food Truck Explodes in Philly, Injuring 12

Andy Cush · 07/02/14 07:01AM

Yesterday evening, a propane tank inside a food truck in Philadelphia's Feltonville neighborhood exploded, engulfing the vehicle in flames and critically injuring the mother and daughter who were working the truck.

Hazel Cills · 03/31/14 10:24PM

According to a preliminary report on the deadly March 12th East Harlem explosion, the National Transportation Safety Board found "small gas leaks below the pavement" while testing an 127-year-old iron gas-main running underneath the site.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/13/14 07:00PM

New York officials say an eighth body was pulled from the rubble today after a massive gas explosion brought down most of one building and part of another yesterday in Harlem.

Dozens Injured in Explosion at Offices of Mexican Oil Giant Pemex [UPDATE: 14 Reported Dead, 80 Injured]

Jordan Sargent · 01/31/13 07:06PM

A number of people have reportedly been injured in an explosion at the Mexico City skyscraper that serves as the offices of Pemex, the state-owned oil monopoly. Details right now are scarce, but the company confirmed via Twitter that people were injured on the ground floor and mezzanine level of the building. According to Telemundo, the explosion was caused by an electrical issue.

Spacecraft Re-enters Atmosphere, Explodes into Cosmic Fireworks

Max Read · 06/17/10 02:25AM

Hayabusa, a Japanese spacecraft containing material from a moving asteroid, re-entered the atmosphere this week, putting on an amazing light show after ejecting its cargo to parachute safely into the Australian Outback. Click through for video of the explosion.

Toronto Goes BOOM!

ian spiegelman · 08/10/08 07:29AM

This is what happens when you let the Canadians have technology more advanced than wood-burning stoves and beaver traps. A series of massive explosions rocked Toronto last night when the Sunrise Propane Depot went up in flames, sending fireballs and smoke soaring as high as 60 stories. There's a bunch of coverage on Rain Coaster's page. And a nifty video of the fiery hell after the jump. Update: "Police report at least two injuries involving people hit by broken glass and fiery debris that shot into the air after the initial blast, just before 4 a.m. ET. One man lost his balance and fell while running from the scene, where a huge fireball lit up the sky. Tony Testa said he suffered burns to his back from falling debris." [CBC]

Chemical Explosion At News Corp. Caused By Holiday Party

Maggie · 12/21/07 02:05PM

The real reason behind this week's "slight" chemical explosion at News Corp's midtown office building? Karma is rip-roaring bitch. The theme at the company's overfull holiday shindig at the Hilton last Friday was climate change GOP-style—signs were posted reading "No Coal Mining In or Around These Premises," and "Oil Spills Are Strictly Forbidden in This Location." Tongue in cheek? Not? Who knows! Green is in! What was the first thing partygoers got on their way in? A good wanding and Champagne test tubes. Distributed by whom, you ask? An entire team of people in fake hazmat suits.


Pareene · 12/19/07 10:30AM

DC is on fire for once! The "old executive office," an pretty old building basically across the street from the White House, is AFLAME on the "Today Show" right now, due to a problem in an "electrical closet" in the Vice President's "ceremonial office." Mishap in the torture room or is he DESTROYING THE EVIDENCE? We'll never know 'cause "Today" just cut back to Patti LaBelle's fightin' choir. [WP]

News Corp Chemical Disaster Not All That Disastery

Maggie · 12/17/07 03:00PM

The chemical explosion or fire or what have you at News Corp.'s midtown office building "is now under control," according to reported announcements from the city's Office of Emergency Management. "There are no safety concerns at this point," reads an email to employees of a neighboring building, detailing OEM's report. "All the evacuated floors in the impacted facility are once again populated. Incident closed." Is that the same as saying "conversation over"? Because we're still kind of wondering what someone was doing stirring around 30 gallons of "unidentified utility chemicals" in the first place.

'30 Gallons Of Hazardous Chemicals' Burn One Man, Your Midtown Commute

Maggie · 12/17/07 12:40PM

An email sent to one News Corp.-adjacent building on Sixth Avenue says that the FDNY is reporting a possible reaction of "approximately 30 gallons of hazardous chemicals" as the cause of this morning's 10:39 a.m. explosion at the News Corp. building. There aren't any offices on the floors affected, which house the heating, cooling and utilities systems for the building. Fox News (whose offices are in the basement, insert satanic crack here), just wants everyone to know that "The explosion on the 45th floor has not interrupted the Fox News channel's broadcast," according to its website. New York Post offices are on the 10th floor. According to WNBC, a spokesperson for the FDNY says "We have some sort of reaction between two chemicals that caused a slight explosion." No word on which chemicals might be the culprits here, but um... 30 gallons of hazardous chemicals? Seriously? So far, the cops have closed "48th Street from 7th Avenue to Broadway and 6th Avenue from W. 47th St."

Chemical Explosion At News Corp. Building; HazMat Teams En Route

Maggie · 12/17/07 11:58AM

New York Post staffers just got word via panic-inducing NYPD email of a "chemical explosion" on the 45th floor of their News Corp. office building. The explosion was "POSSIBLY CAUSED BY OXIDIZERS REACTING WITH ACID," reads the memo. "HAZMAT TEAMS ARE RESPONDING," and several surrounding floors have been evacuated. One person has been injured, according to a story on the Post's website, which identifies the explosion as occurring at 1211 Sixth Avenue, "on the 45th floor of a midtown highrise." This might be one of those times where self-referentialism is acceptable, guys. You'll be pleased and much reassured to know that the fire department "HAS BEEN TOLD NOT TO ENTER THE 45TH FLOOR." Memo after the jump.