
Even Fucking Exxon Knows We Need a Carbon Tax

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/16 11:50AM

Carbon emissions are causing global warming that will amount to a worldwide disaster unless we immediately bring it under control. The best tool for this is a carbon tax. How clear is this fact? Even Exxon is supporting it.

Adam Weinstein · 02/25/14 03:31PM

What's a great way to get, say, the CEO of a major fossil-fuel energy corporation like Exxon Mobil and, oh, a former House conservative tea party leader to oppose fracking? Do it next to their vast Texas estates, natch.

Massive ExxonMobil Spill in Arkansas Backyards Is Not All Bad

Max Read · 04/09/13 04:44PM

Ten days ago, an ExxonMobil pipeline pumping crude oil from the Alberta tar sands down to Texas refineries burst open in Mayflower, Ark., causing the evacuation of nearly two dozen homes and coating wildlife and the surrounding area in thousands of gallons of oil. I'm sorry, sludge. But there's a silver lining! And no, I'm not talking about the reflective sheen of tar sands oil coating a five-mile radius, ha ha. No, folks, the silver lining is: Business is booming!