
It's World Breastfeeding Week, But Andrea Peyser Isn't Celebrating

Emily Gould · 08/01/07 02:50PM

This first week is a very important holiday (of sorts!) for millions of lactating womyn, according to this website: World Breastfeeding Week. The organizers of this week, which is celebrated in 120 countries annually, strive to bring attention to the fact that breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality, and they need your help letting the message leak out: "Remember to send us pictures, news, media reports about your activities and you'll receive a free breastfeeding photo calendar 2008." Okay! But one lady of our acquaintance won't be joining in the festivities: Post scold Andrea Peyser. Turns out that she's... a mom? (OMG, what?) Also, she's pretty skeptical about the whole "milk from your body is good for your baby's health" thing.

Andrea Peyser Can't Get Out Of Or Get Off At Jury Duty

Emily Gould · 07/23/07 04:52PM

"Sorry I've neglected you. But last week, I was on jury duty—that torture chamber/insane asylum/singles bar in Downtown Brooklyn." Aw, that's okay, zany Post scold Andrea Peyser! So tell us more. How was jury duty? Hey, and while you're at it, have you had any memorable dreams lately? And also how are your cats? And seriously, what was the highlight of jury duty? "I turned my attention to a couple of jurors who joined up amid the pimps and murderers - a pleasant, heavy-set girl with highly bleached hair, and a guy with close-cropped hair. Within hours, the pair went from flirting to finishing each other's sentences to touching. Forget the bars, girls. Get yourself to court!" Meouch! Is Andrea... jealous? Guess that virgin-deflowering thing never materialized.

abalk · 07/11/07 02:39PM

Andrea Peyser takes City Council Speaker Christine Quinn to task for not personally slapping the visitor's pass out of a fired city council aide's hands. The 'Peys seems particularly exercised by Quinn's ass and its political viability. [NYP]