
Facebook Live Stopped Working Before BuzzFeed’s Facebook Live Interview with Obama Even Began

J.K. Trotter · 05/16/16 03:30PM

On Friday, Gawker reported that YouTube and Facebook would simultaneously livestream BuzzFeed’s live interview with the President of the United States, which took place today at 2:50 p.m. But it turns out that only the former service was able to hold up their end of the bargain. As you can see in the video below, Facebook Live abruptly stopped working before the interview even began.

An Apology to Our Readers

Kelly Stout · 05/12/16 05:11PM

It has come to the attention of the editors of Gawker.com that during today’s Facebook Live simulation of the presidential election, senior writer Ashley Feinberg manipulated results to make it appear that paint representing Hillary Clinton dried faster than paint representing Donald Trump.

Internet Video Views Is A 100 Percent Bullshit Metric

Kevin Draper · 05/09/16 09:10AM

We are, right now, in the midst of a digital media upheaval. What was previously conventional wisdom—that a media company with hopes of turning a profit needs, above all, to achieve scale—is being proven false. The new conventional wisdom is that video will be digital media’s savior, but it is only a matter of time before this is proven false too.

A Child Shares His Thoughts on the 2016 Election

Ashley Feinberg · 04/28/16 01:59PM

Earlier today, Gawker’s Chief Youth Correspondent, Sam, stopped by the office to give us a little insight into the 2016 election through the eyes of our nation’s youth (and also because it’s take your kid to work day).