
Oakland Mayor Driven from Facebook By Haters

Ryan Tate · 12/15/11 08:35PM

Consider Jean Quan's Facebook successfully occupied. The Oakland mayor has officially given up her would-be "fan page" after it was overwhelmed with critics of her handling of Occupy Oakland protests.

Who Had the Dumbest Users In 2011: Facebook, Twitter or Google?

Adrian Chen · 12/15/11 07:26PM

Now that Facebook, Google and Twitter have all published their year-in-review lists, we can definitively answer the question of, Who was dumber in the year 2011: Facebook, Google or Twitter users? Hard to tell ('cause they were all pretty dumb.)

Sasha and Malia Are Banned from Facebook

Ryan Tate · 12/15/11 05:18PM

The Obama White House can be terrible at leading the nation. It's been incredibly soft on Wall Street and often horrible on basic human rights. But it can stand proud on its family Facebook policy! At a time when American parents help sneak their legally underaged kids onto Facebook, Sasha and Malia Obama are quite sensibly told to stay away from the social network.

Why People Troll Dead Kids on Facebook

Adrian Chen · 12/15/11 03:21PM

Internet trolls! Everyone hates them. But are they actually good for something? A new academic paper argues the worst sort of trolling illuminates harsh truths about social networking, the internet, and the mainstream media.

Source Reveals Facebook Is Swimming In Cash

Ryan Tate · 12/15/11 10:00AM

A well-placed mole has forwarded us the Silicon Valley equivalent of hard-core pornography: an explicit look at Facebook's finances. They're even more staggering than we expected. A gusher of profits has left the social network with a cash hoard to rival established companies like 3M, eBay and Yahoo.

Insane Traders Bet 'Tens of Billions' on Twitter Trends

Ryan Tate · 12/14/11 03:10PM

ZOMG, Justin Bieber is trending! How can we short the Jonas Brothers?? That, apparently, is the sort of conversation that's becoming more and more plausible on Wall Street; hedge funds are increasingly turning to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube trends to place social media driven bets in the "tens of billions of dollars," according to a company that sells them data.

Click Here To Save Your Friend's Life, Says Facebook

Ryan Tate · 12/14/11 01:55PM

Facebook is offering a way to report a friend's suicidal posting, and get him or her help via instant message. It's not the most direct or energetic way to get help for a terminally depressed pal, but at least it's something.

Facebook Hires Experts To Explain Human Emotions

Ryan Tate · 12/13/11 03:20PM

Last week, national experts traveled to Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California, to convey hotly anticipated knowledge to the social network's engineers. The computer programmers "listened intently," according to a reporter who was present, to explanations of compassion, tact, sensitivity, and the psychological differences between children and adults. So it was that, nearly eight years after the world's biggest social network began, Facebook learned some basic social skills.

Facebook Declares War On Sleazy Revenge Porn Site

Adrian Chen · 12/08/11 07:04PM

Facebook is trying to shut down IsAnyoneUp.com, a sleazy porn site built around posting the Facebook profiles of its often-unwilling subjects. But the site's owner says he's not going anywhere.

Do You Know What 'lms' Means?

Adrian Chen · 12/07/11 07:34PM

Facebook released its most popular memes and trends of 2011 list today. At the very top was a three-letter abbreviation: lms. "Like My Status." wtf.

Mark Zuckerberg's Girlfriend Just Near-Married Him

Ryan Tate · 12/07/11 05:45PM

Priscilla Chan has always taken her relationship with Mark Zuckerberg seriously; she famously sealed a contract of dating rules before moving to be near him in California. But the medical school student just got more serious than ever before, listing Zuckerberg as her "partner" on Facebook - and adopting Zuck's mother as her own.

Mark Zuckerberg Can't Protect His Own Facebook Photos

Ryan Tate · 12/06/11 03:38PM

When Facebook isn't intentionally destroying your privacy, it's doing so unintentionally. That even goes for Mark Zuckerberg: Two years ago, the Facebook CEO's once-private pictures were exposed to the world after the social network changed its privacy defaults. Now his once-private photos are again exposed to the world, this time thanks to a security flaw.

Facebook Has a Terrible New Address

Ryan Tate · 12/06/11 01:25PM

If you were responsible for the world's largest trove of sensitive personal information, what would you name your headquarters address? "4 Trust Lane?" "2 Careful Way?" "1 Gentle Drive?" Those would all be very reasonable branding choices! Instead, the world's most powerful social network, Facebook, went with "1 Hacker Way." Really?

NYPD Facebook Group on West Indian Parade: 'Filth. It's Not Racist If It's True'

Seth Abramovitch · 12/05/11 11:40PM

Early last September, before Occupy Wall Street was even a glint of pepper spray in an obstinate protester's eye, the NYPD were mobilizing against another crowd menace: the West Indian American Day Parade in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Sure, some officers were spotted getting into the spirit by grinding against paradegoers' behinds, but a far greater number were bracing for the mayhem that frequently accompanies the debauched annual event. This year's parade was particularly violent — there were multiple shootings, resulting in one civilian fatality and an officer wounded in his arm. In the days that followed, New York cops had had enough, and they created a Facebook group to vent their anger. It was extremely racist.

The Best Photo of a High School Principal Ever

Lauri Apple · 12/03/11 06:16PM

Everyone meet Jane Addams High School principal Sharron Smalls—seen here getting down with, and chocolate-sauced by, a topless man who looks less-than-excited to be there. Yesterday students at Addams (it's in NYC) covered their school with copies of the photo in honor of Smalls and her achievements—particularly her use of said pic on her Facebook profile.