
The Day Child Porn Went Viral on Facebook

Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/22/13 08:35AM

A video of unknown origin appearing to show a grown man sexually abusing an infant girl went viral overnight on Facebook, garnering as many as 32,000 shares and over 5,000 likes before finally being removed by the website.

Hashtags Coming to Facebook

Mallory Ortberg · 03/16/13 01:15PM

The Facebook you already know, but now with more hashtags in it. #Hashtags are #coming to #Facebook. That's #digital. That's #innovative. That's #disruptive. From the Wall Street Journal:

Guy Raises $7,000 on Kickstarter to Fund Insufferable Bonding Trip With Each of His Facebook Friends

Maggie Lange · 03/15/13 01:01PM

An online friendship doesn't mean you share mutual affection, trust, history, or any of the other standard qualifiers for a relationship and this is mostly chill because it's Facebook and that's how Facebook has worked for years. Well Connecticut-based photographer and astute cultural observer, Ty Morin has discerned this as well and he plans to do something about it.

What Your Facebook Likes Say About You

Max Read · 03/12/13 10:22AM

What are you revealing about yourself with your Facebook "likes"? A new study from the University of Cambridge shows that you might be disclosing more than just the obvious—and that the network of pages you "like" can be used to predict "potentially private traits such as a person's sexual orientation, political leanings, religion, intelligence, emotional stability and even if they abuse drugs or alcohol."

'A Man with Morals': The Alleged Killer Cop's Growing Online Fan Base

Cord Jefferson · 02/08/13 06:15PM

In the day and a half since ex-cop Christopher Dorner allegedly went on a vengeful killing spree that's left three dead so far, the search for the 33-year-old former Navy reservist has reached rabid heights. Cops eager to catch Dorner have already shot at a few innocent people thinking it was their man, and police units have fanned out to towns up and down California's southern coast in a manhunt that went through the night.