Father of the Year Poses with 'Wads of Cash' for Facebook Photos Despite Claiming to Be Too Broke to Make Child Support Payments
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/20/13 05:26PMHashtags Coming to Facebook
Mallory Ortberg · 03/16/13 01:15PMGuy Raises $7,000 on Kickstarter to Fund Insufferable Bonding Trip With Each of His Facebook Friends
Maggie Lange · 03/15/13 01:01PMAn online friendship doesn't mean you share mutual affection, trust, history, or any of the other standard qualifiers for a relationship and this is mostly chill because it's Facebook and that's how Facebook has worked for years. Well Connecticut-based photographer and astute cultural observer, Ty Morin has discerned this as well and he plans to do something about it.
Random Facebook Post Helps Two Friends Discover They're Actually Aunt and Niece
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/13/13 09:28AMWhat Your Facebook Likes Say About You
Max Read · 03/12/13 10:22AM
What are you revealing about yourself with your Facebook "likes"? A new study from the University of Cambridge shows that you might be disclosing more than just the obvious—and that the network of pages you "like" can be used to predict "potentially private traits such as a person's sexual orientation, political leanings, religion, intelligence, emotional stability and even if they abuse drugs or alcohol."
Either Colin Powell's Facebook Was Hacked Or He Has Had a Sudden Change of Heart About George W. Bush
Adrian Chen · 03/11/13 09:34AMMan Slashed in the Face at Rikers Island Sues Correction Officer for Uploading Photo of Gory Injury to Facebook
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/05/13 03:05PMPolice Chief Claims He Was Hacked After Racy Photo of Him with Gun-Toting Woman Appears on His Facebook Page
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/01/13 10:59AMNot Just For Dads: LinkedIn Replaces Facebook as Top Social Tool
Maggie Lange · 02/28/13 12:00PMHero Teen Forced to Walk Ten Miles in the Snow for a Job Interview Gets Better Offer and Free Bus Rides for a Year
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/26/13 12:09PMHundreds Attend Burial of Vet with No Family After Funeral Invitation Goes Viral on Facebook
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/25/13 01:40PMHeartbroken Optician Logs Into Girlfriend's Facebook Account, Leaves Behind Scathing Status Update Accusing Her of Cheating on Him
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/22/13 02:13PMKFC Employee Fired for Making Out with Boob-Shaped Tub of Mashed Potatoes and Posting Photos of the Act Online
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/20/13 06:54PMIf You're Going to Harass a Baby Manatee Maybe Don't Post Photos of Your Criminal Activity to Facebook
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/20/13 02:36PMPolice in Georgia Use Dummy Facebook Account 'Misty Hancock' to Inform Woman of Her Son's Death
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/20/13 12:28PMPhoto of a Breast Cancer Survivor's Chest Tattoo Goes Viral After Facebook Tries to Remove It
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/19/13 02:10PMFacebook Will Pay No Taxes, Get Huge Refund Instead
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/17/13 10:01AMMale Teacher Accused of Posing as Female on Facebook to Solicit Nude Photos from Underage Students
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/11/13 02:53PM'A Man with Morals': The Alleged Killer Cop's Growing Online Fan Base
Cord Jefferson · 02/08/13 06:15PM
In the day and a half since ex-cop Christopher Dorner allegedly went on a vengeful killing spree that's left three dead so far, the search for the 33-year-old former Navy reservist has reached rabid heights. Cops eager to catch Dorner have already shot at a few innocent people thinking it was their man, and police units have fanned out to towns up and down California's southern coast in a manhunt that went through the night.