
Snowmobile Tries To Outrun Avalanche

Elaine Moran · 03/10/10 11:30AM

This snowmobiler gets the thrill, or more accurately, the terror, of a lifetime when his snowmobile awakens an avalanche that then furiously pursues him. That's what you get for disturbing Mama Nature when she's sleeping or watchin' her stories.

Excited Woman Falls, America Laughs

Jon Martin · 03/09/10 02:30PM

Just as this family is about to recieve the gift of a lifetime, Mom trips and faceplants. Watch as she plows head-first in to some concrete. Ouch.

Slow-Motion Scooter Fail

Jill Lawson · 03/08/10 02:30PM

There is something almost cathartic about this slow speed scooter fail, it's amazing how they all keep a straight face.

Movie FAIL: The Hurt Locker's Most Obvious Mistakes

Matt Toder · 03/08/10 11:52AM

Today it seems that everyone's excited for The Hurt Locker's big wins at last night's Oscars. Everyone except us, that is! We've gathered up the most glaringly obvious mistakes in the newly crowned "Best Picture" for your enjoyment.

Snow Mobile Driver Fail

Devon Irete · 03/05/10 02:30PM

Guy drives off snow bank at full speed, and just when he thinks his snowmobile has met its maker, it goes zooming off into the distance, unmanned.

How to Use a Door

Aman Ellis · 03/01/10 02:30PM

There appears to be some benefits to this 'Big Brother' world of constant surveillance. Props to whoever bootlegged this video from the security files as they work fast, the date on the video is only a few day old.

The XXI Winter Olympic Games: The Failure That Was

Matt Cherette · 02/28/10 05:34PM

The Vancouver Olympics come to a close tonight after two weeks of what was arguably the most mishap-filled competition in modern history. Inside, a look at all the "best of the worst" Olympic moments that made these Games worth forgetting.

Please Stop Saying These Words!

Brian Moylan · 02/25/10 04:26PM

While we're fine with people using the word "retard" liberally, there are some words, phrases, and linguistic constructions that are so tired and lazy they need to be ended. Here are a few things that drive us mad.

French Skiier Takes a Flagpole to the Nuts

Mike Byhoff · 02/25/10 09:55AM

It's one thing to get racked in the berries flying down a hill at 70 MPH, it's quite another for the announcer to add insult to injury with some hilarious commentary. Ohhh monsieuuuuuuur!

Cricket Commentary Interrupted by Hilarious Party-Foul

Arianna Reiche · 02/24/10 02:30PM

It's a rare thing to fluster the Northerners, but when a man was serendipitously caught on camera wiping out with beer in-hand, these commentators deemed it more replay-worthy than the actual game.

Refrigerignorance: America's Plague

Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/10 10:30AM

Americans: Why are we so nasty? Appliance scientists (appliantists) say that our average countrymen only clean their refrigerators once or twice a year—which is once or twice more than you do. We just don't know what we're doing, fridge-wise.

Bike Gets Stuck in Ramp, Flips Guy Into Lake

Sergio Hernandez · 02/22/10 02:30PM

Today, a poorly constructed bike ramp revolts by flinging its builder into a lake. This actually could have been really disastrous and painful, but this video almost makes it look like fun!