
"Mass: We Pray" is a Wii Game for Worship

Mike Byhoff · 11/19/09 10:10AM

Let's face it, if you're under the age of 15, prayer is boring. How can you make your kids pray at all hours of the day until they're sore from kneeling? Turn religion into an RPG and level up...to heaven!

Those 'Undiscovered' Amazon Tribesmen: Bullshit Indeed

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 11:50AM

Our own Alex Pareene was so money when he called bullshit on that supposedly unknown tribe photographed in the Amazon. It was all a ruse by a concerned environmentalist! "[I]t has now emerged that, far from being unknown, the tribe's existence has been noted since 1910 and the mission to photograph them was undertaken in order to prove that 'uncontacted' tribes still existed in an area endangered by the menace of the logging industry. The disclosures have been made by the man behind the pictures, José Carlos Meirelles, 61, one of the handful of sertanistas- experts on indigenous tribes-working for the Brazilian Indian Protection Agency, Funai, which is dedicated to searching out remote tribes and protecting them."

All Socialite Website Roads Lead To Kristian Laliberte

Emily · 04/17/07 11:17AM

This morning Page Six tried to unravel the increasingly tangled web surrounding Olivia Palermo, Tinsley Mortimer, Peter Davis, Kristian Laliberte, and the dueling socialite-themed websites that some combination of these people might operate, contribute to, or maybe just tip off.