
Are Bill O'Reilly and His Wife Living Separately?

John Cook · 06/02/11 05:44PM

Online data miner and private investigator Joseph Culligan has noticed something curious: Bill O'Reilly's wife Maureen McPhilmy purchased a new house about a year ago, just down the street from the Long Island home she's shared with Bill-o since 2002. O'Reilly still owns the old one. And Fox News isn't saying whether they still live together.

Trendspotting 101: Anatomy of a Williamsburg Trend Story

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/11 09:49AM

In the cutthroat market for Trend Stories Centered in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, it pays to be the early bird. Not only does the neighborhood, populated by desperately trend-hungry fauxhemians, constantly cycle through the very latest microtrends; but its status as America's prototypical "hip neighborhood" means that even the merest hint of a new Williamsburg microtrend is almost immediately packaged and distributed by the equally trend-hungry media, to be feasted upon by the voyeuristic, trend-hungry public.

Happy Bill O'Reilly Loofah Day!

John Cook · 10/13/09 02:46PM

Five years ago today, a luminous young producer at Fox News named Andrea Mackris enriched all of our lives just a little bit by suing a lecherous fathead named Bill O'Reilly for trying to rub falafel on her private parts.

"Food Fight" Summarizes Modern Warfare Using Lunch Food

Nick Douglas · 02/28/08 11:59PM

Who can forget the day two falafel balls crashed into the two cheeseburgers? Starting with the gunning down of matzoh crackers by a German sausage, this edible reconstruction of war history since World War II is sacrilicious. The clip is below.