
The Gawker Guide to Fall Books

Lauri Apple · 09/02/11 02:23PM

Fall's the time for sitting on the couch with an overflowing snack bowl and dogs in your lap, sunning yourself in the bright lamp light that helps you to manage your Seasonal Affective Disorder, and trying not to think of winter. In other words, a perfect time for reading—and this fall brings the release of so many intriguing-sounding books that narrowing down the options was so hard. But we did it, and now here you go.

The Gawker Guide to Fall Music

Max Read · 09/01/11 05:09PM

With the coming of Diddy's Labor Day White Party, the ancient druidic event that marks the end of the summer season, so too comes another ancient tradition: The Fall Music Preview. What delightful sounds can we expect to be emanating from stereos over the next few months?

The Gawker Guide to Fall Television

Brian Moylan · 09/01/11 12:06PM

The days will soon get shorter, the weather will get colder, and you'll soon have actual things to do at your job now. The end of summer sucks, doesn't it? But at least there's going to be all sorts of new stuff on television! Let's look at everything that will give us a glimmer of hope this fall.

The Gawker Guide to Fall Movies

Richard Lawson · 08/31/11 11:10AM

With the Labor Day holiday approaching, it's becoming sadly clear: Summer is over. It's time to turn to autumnal things. That's not all bad, though! Fall movies, for example, are usually the year's best. Let's take a look at this year's selection, shall we?

What to Read This Fall

Max Read · 09/13/10 01:51PM

Fall is the best season for reading—it's either the weather or a Pavlovian response conditioned by years of schooling. But: What are you going to read? Here's a preview of some of this fall's most interesting titles.

What to Listen to This Fall

Max Read · 09/09/10 04:07PM

Well, summer is over, so we're all done with "summer jams." But music isn't over! Music never ends! And there are some excellent albums coming up in the next few months. Want to listen to some of them?

The Gawker Guide to Fall Movies

Richard Lawson · 09/09/10 10:56AM

Fall is the best time for movies. All the serious awards-contenders strut their stuff, the thrillers are darker and grittier, and the romances tend to be weepies. Here's a guide to what's coming out from now until the new year.

What to Watch on TV This Season

Brian Moylan · 09/08/10 12:59PM

Summer's over. As we turn off the grill and step back inside, it's time to settle into our couches for the annual crop of new TV shows. Here are the dramas, comedies, and reality trainwrecks to get excited about.