Rachel Uchitel Isn't Very Good at Hiding Out
cityfile · 12/24/09 01:25PMRachel Uchitel Is Going to Enjoy Her 15 Minutes
cityfile · 12/10/09 04:15PMCasey Johnson Settles Down
cityfile · 12/09/09 12:11PM
Last week at this time, nutty Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson was sitting behind bars, having been arrested for stealing jewelry, clothing, shoes, and underwear from a former model named Jasmine Lennard. (She was also accused of leaving behind a wet towel and used vibrator as her "calling card," but that's another story.)
Star Magazine Seeks Kate Major Replacement
cityfile · 08/04/09 12:03PMBethenny Frankel: Author, Attention-Seeker, Ex-Nanny
cityfile · 06/03/09 02:10PM
Bethenny Frankel has been doing her best to remain in the spotlight as she continues her quest to get people to buy her diet book, which we haven't read, of course, but sounds like a recipe for certain death considering it suggests eating less than 1,000 calories a day and never eating more than three bites of any one dish. Last week, she drummed up some attention by classily lifting up her dress for the cameras at a book party. She's hit up half a dozen events this week, stopping off at IFC's "America's Hottest Rocker Mom Contest" today (fitting since while she isn't a mom, she isn't a housewife either), and, last night, a party for Frangelico at STK. New York caught up with her at yesterday's party and asked her to recount a "scandalous story about herself from back in the day," a request she was happy to comply with, especially since those Jersey girls have kind of upped the ante with their tales of coke-snorting and stripping in recent days:
Arden Wohl Makes Her Debut
cityfile · 02/09/09 12:04PM
Headband-loving socialite Arden Wohl's short film, Two Other Dreams, premiered this past weekend. What's it about, you ask? "Drugs, strange spirituality, co-dependency between female friends," and, uh, necrophilia, which means it probably won't be appearing on cable in the near future. Luckily, the film will be on display at APF Lab until February 28th, so there's still time for necrophiliacs to take in the masterpiece before it disappears forever. [NYM]
Banker-Daters Begin Their Descent
cityfile · 01/30/09 01:19PM
Looks like things have taken a turn for the worse for the ladies of DABA (or "Dating a Banker Anonymous") who made such a splash—and created such controversy—this week thanks to an absurd story about them in the New York Times. Following yesterday's revelation that the whole thing might have just been an elaborate hoax to score a book deal, today comes word that one of the site's founders, Laney Crowell (left), has been fired from her job at Stylecaster for "being on the phone with her new agent."
Devorah Rose, Fabulist Extraordinaire
cityfile · 12/31/08 12:46PM
This week marked the debut of The City, the New York-centric MTV reality show that follows Whitney Port flitting around town with her fellow DVF "co-worker" Olivia Palermo. New York honored the grand occasion with a feature by David Amsden, who observed that Palermo isn't the only fixture on the social scene who has been in search of reality TV stardom. There's also Deborah Trachtenberg—otherwise known as Devorah Rose—the "26-year-old editor of Social Life magazine, who recently sold an idea (currently called Social Heights) to ABC about the lives of her and her close friends, the publicist Kristian Laliberte and diamond heiress Annabel Vartanian." Props to Devorah for managing to squeeze two lies by New York's factcheckers in the same sentence. She's actually 29, not 26. And the sale of that reality TV concept? Well, that came as news to ABC, who said they'd never even heard of the show.
They Don't Make Columbia MFAs Like They Used To
cityfile · 12/18/08 03:58PM
Hearty congrats to Deborah Trachtenberg, the fame-obsessed partygoer better known as Devorah Rose: According to the social networking site aSmallWorld (which is still in business, by the way), she's the 34th most notable social in New York! (All that money she's been handing over to Columbia seems to be paying off nicely, doesn't it?) The "Top 100" list appears in the debut issue of "aSmallMagazine," which promises to cover the "cultural return to sincerity," an era defined by "the end of flash and a return to substance." How does placing socialites on a list constitute "substance"? Did we mention the issue also has "a peak behind the walls of one of the world's last totalitarian regimes, North Korea." It does! They've covered all the bases! aSmallWorld's announcement to site members is below.
Who Is Devorah Rose?
cityfile · 08/01/08 09:59AM
If you've spent any time wading through New York gossip and socialite blogs over the past year or so, you've probably come across the visage of one Devorah Rose, the editor of Social Life magazine, a publication we're assured exists although we've never seen an actual copy of it, so we'll have to take other people's word for it. Or perhaps you've heard of a reality show she was slated to appear in, 10021, which was billed as some sort of Upper East Side version of The Hills? (No word on if the show is actually going to air, which may actually be good news, since the 10065 has since replaced the '21 has the richest zip in town anyway.) Perhaps you've wondered who is this girl is posing with her pink dog in hand, a stunt so tired that people in Boulder, Colorado are doing it (and getting fined for it, too). Well, meet Massachusetts' very own Deborah Denise Trachtenberg!