
Rapper Wiz Khalifa Appeared on Joan Rivers' Fashion Police

Rich Juzwiak · 01/28/14 12:43PM

In the weirdest look for hip-hop since...oh, Sunday, when Macklemore won all of those Grammys, rapper Wiz Khalifa appeared on E!'s catty Fashion Police. If you haven't seen it, the show is kind of like the judging deliberations on reality competitions stretched out for an entire hour. Every week the winner is Joan Rivers because everyone on the panel (including babbleheads Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic) bellows at her jokes and otherwise kisses her ass.

Your DVR Is Ruining the Environment

Brian Moylan · 06/15/11 12:36PM

Do you know what is causing climate change, destroying rainforests, and drowning polar bears? Yes, it's your DVR! OK, it's not that bad, but did you know that DVRs in this great nation of ours use as much electricity as the entire state of Maryland?

Iran Bans Necklaces, Shorts on Men

Max Read · 06/14/11 09:46PM

The Iranian government, which last year banned the mullet, calling it a "decadent western [hair]cut," is reportedly deploying some 70,000 literal fashion police to enforce the newest style Dos and Don'ts of the "moral security plan." For women, this means no more loose-fitting headscarves, tight jackets or exposed leg skin; for men, no necklaces and no shorts. (Also, no "glamorous hairstyles.") Last year, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced his disapproval of the recent crackdown; earlier this year, the Iranian parliament attempted to ban dog ownership. [The Guardian; image via AP]

Joan Rivers Can't Stop Joking About Snooki's Pussy

Brian Moylan · 04/18/11 02:11PM

For a segment on E!'s Friday night guilty pleasure Fashion Police, comedic warhorse Joan Rivers found a picture Jersey Shore tequila swiller Snooki tweeted of her and her cat and decided to make a string of rather amusing and absolutely crass double entendres about Snooki's pussy. This is why I love this show. Not only is Joan hilarious, but Kelly Osbourne laughs hysterically and seems shocked. If you can shock Kelly Osbourne, you know you said something really fucked up.

The Fashion Police Compare Cher to a Hooker

Sarah Prial · 11/23/10 01:19PM

On Fashion Police the gang played "Starlet or Streetwalker." The image was a woman clad in black with ripped leggings. Surprise! It's Cher. Click through to see if the Fashion Police thought she was a star or a hooker.