
Emily Gould · 09/07/07 09:40AM

You know that foreboding raven adorning the placeholder page at former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's domain? It turns out that the bird has been lying to us when he says "This is just the beginning." "I think there's this misconception that I'm starting a web magazine," the 'Toos told blogger Fashionista, who smooched her butt to an almost bizarre extent. "But that's not really it! Though maybe there will be some video programs that we start playing with." No web magazine? Some video programs? This is how a child who has been expecting a retarded pony for Christmas feels after learning that she will receive a retarded kitten instead.

Emily Gould · 07/26/07 10:40AM

These imaginary shirts are the funniest thing we've seen in a while. Don't be a stranger, Hermione Granger! [Fashionista]

Be The Olsen Twins' Unpaid Intern!

Emily Gould · 07/13/07 08:30AM

The Row is all about a classic, chic sensibility for women and men, incorporating tailor made techniques to all of our garmets [sic]. We sell to the best botiques[sic]worldwide New York (Barneys), Los Angeles (Maxfield), Paris(Marie Louisa), Tokyo (Isetan, Adelaide, etc.) and others.
This position is part-time (3-4 days a week). This internship requires a 2-3 month commitment. [...]
Compensation: this internship is unpaid, metrocard will be provided.

Emily Gould · 06/29/07 11:55AM

Erin Fetherston's collection for Target doesn't hit stores till November, but it's so freaking supercute you should probably start staking out some Westfield Shoppingtown now. [Fashionista]

Before They Were Sorta Famous: 'Fashionista' Faran Krentcil

Emily Gould · 01/30/07 10:40AM

So that's Faran Krencil, is it? Huh. We'd kind of expected someone who spends her days blogging about whether Pucci is the new Burberry to be a little more . . . relaxed. Blunt-cut. Straightened, if you will. But Faran Krentcil is a curly girl, and always has been. Evidence? Well, that Duke tee isn't just some ironic affectation: Krentcil did attend the institution best-known for basketball and lacrosse rape scandals, and she was quite well known there for a SEX COLUMN, of all things, in the student newspaper. After the jump, we'll see— and hear — our Fashionista as she once was: young, idealistic, and ready to dole out advice to underclassmen about one night stand etiquette.

'Fashionista:' Even Better Than We'd Feared

Emily Gould · 01/24/07 01:30PM

Today marks the debut of snarkiness-inventor turned stand-up comedienne Elizabeth Spiers's Dead Horse Media empire's girly blog, Fashionista. Like Spiers's stand-up, it's pretty impervious to our signature brand of joshing (Damn her! Did she build in that mechanism somehow?!) They've inaugurated a few promising recurring features — our favorite so far is Streetwalker, a street-snaps analysis that's better than 90% of all NY Mag Look Books by dint of these two quotes alone: "his giant gold Marc by Marc bag is both undeniably adorable and totally not okay" and "jeans that are skinny but somehow not anorexic." Even better is 'Deal or No Deal,' wherein fashion experts weigh in on whether a discounted item is worth its reduced price. The first one features the expertise of our fave punching baguette, Tinsley Mortimer: