
Billionaire: Fat Cats Are People, Too

John Cook · 11/22/11 12:52PM

Hey! Billionaires have feelings, too, you know. Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone took to CNBC this morning to defend their honor from that bully Barack Obama, who is killing the economy by refusing to literally dance for them while holding pom-poms made of shredded cash: "We need leadership, we need cheerleading, we need encouragement. Businessmen and fat cats need to feel like they're doing something good not that they're villains and not that their criminals."

Rahm Warns Wall Street

Pareene · 11/19/08 03:23PM

The Wall Street Journal invited Rahm Emanuel to address some business leaders and invite them to, uh, advise the incoming president about what he needs to do. Because you know who don't get enough input into how the world is run? Corporate executives. It didn't matter, though, because Rahm just said, basically, "fuck it, we'll do it live." Universal health care? Full speed ahead! The Journal describes Emanuel as being "combative with a business audience." He wouldn't say they'll give the unions everything the unions want, but he wouldn't say they wouldn't either. He pinned the blame squarely on the assembled corporate types, of course, for fucking over the middle class for twenty years.

Now That's The Pay Deal I Want

Nick Denton · 04/09/08 12:39PM

Jim Cramer just hates unfair pay packages for corporate bigwigs who get it wrong: a recent decision to overlook mortgage losses and preserve executive bonuses won the board of Washington Mutual a place on the CNBC anchor's Wall of Shame. But Cramer's own compensation bears no relation to his track record as a financial analyst.