The Saddest Fat-Shaming Ever: Flabby Politicians Zing Each Other
Maureen O'Connor · 09/06/11 05:16PMHalf of Men Would Dump Their Girlfriends for Getting Fat
Maureen O'Connor · 07/26/11 12:18PMAmerica Faces Epidemic of Fat Pets
Max Read · 02/22/11 11:18PMThe Cleveland Show Targets Wisconsin, Begs America to "Stop Being So Fat"
Whitney Jefferson · 11/22/10 12:47PMSkinny Women Make More Money—But Skinny Guys Make Less
Max Read · 10/07/10 12:13AMFat Men Are Better in Bed
Maureen O'Connor · 09/08/10 03:53PMAmerica's Most Disgusting Kid Meal: The 2,300-Calorie Mac & Cheese Quesadilla
Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/10 02:18PMGirl Gets an F on Report Card for Being Fat
Tom Dobrowolski · 07/19/10 02:44PMAfter a mandatory body mass screening, the state of Massachusetts deemed nine-year-old Shelby Sumner overweight and sent a letter to her parents to notify them of her corpulence. On a side note, skinny girls got As for being anorexic.
Super Skinny Urban Outfitters T-Shirt Targets Anorexics
Brian Moylan · 06/03/10 03:34PMHoda and Kathie Lee Test Out Fat App for iPhone
Eleni Crush · 06/03/10 12:17PMIn their most "courageous" move since No Makeup Day, today Hoda and Kathie Lee gave the FatBooth iPhone app a test run. Essentially, the app shows you what you'd look like with an extra hundred pounds.
How to Make It in America Lesson of the Week: You Must Have Abs to Get Laid
Brian Moylan · 03/08/10 12:47PMThis week HBO's jean-making drama didn't mention denim, but there was all this bullshit about boyfriends and ex-boyfriends and birthday parties and Avenue. The moral? If you want any attention from the NYC ladeez, you better have a flat stomach.
Robyn Caplan · 03/02/10 10:00AMThis child on this classic Wife Swap clip really wanted his bacon, and did not want his new "mother" interfering with his culinary preferences.
A Weighty Proposal on Tonight's Biggest Loser Finale
Whitney Jefferson · 12/08/09 09:39PMThings took a turn from fat-and-bulging bodies to a young-and-budding romance when two Biggest Loser contestants got engaged during tonight's season finale.
How Can We Lose Some Weight?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/09 10:45AMExtreme Dieting Prolongs Your Miserable Life, Say Donut-Munching Scientists
Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/09 09:46AMWhich Fast Food Meal Features the Best Price Per Calorie?
Pareene · 05/18/09 04:15PMKetchup Sandwiches For Everyone
Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/09 12:00PM'Wall-E' Wuz Right!
Pareene · 08/06/08 02:37PM
Despite the fact that it is genetically and physiologically impossible according to a scientist, a scientist predicts that in 40 years, all U.S. adults will be overweight. This terrifying study was published in the journal Impossible Alarmist Wake-up Calls Designed to be Picked Up by Science-Illiterate Mainstream Press Quarterly. [Reuters via Drudge]
Give Up
Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/08 11:47AM
A new study has found that while you can shrink the size of fat cells, you can never reduce their number. The human body replaces fat cells that die off, maintaining a constant amount of them throughout our lives. You know what that means: you will always be fat no matter what you do and it's just not fair GOD. [NYT]