
Fashion Meets Finance

cityfile · 07/30/09 12:57PM

You don't usually see the names Sheila Bair and Anna Wintour mentioned in the same sentence. Bair, of course, is the supremely powerful chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Wintour is the supremely powerful editor-in-chief of Vogue. But now the two have collided. And, oh, yes. It is on.

Wall Street: Wednesday Edition

cityfile · 06/10/09 08:53AM

• Chrysler's alliance with Fiat is a done deal. [CNN]
• Good news, bankers: The Obama administration is dropping its plan to cap salaries at firms receiving government bailout money. [WSJ]
• Citigroup is swapping $58 billion of preferred stock into common shares, a move that will make the U.S. government the bank's largest shareholder. [BN]
• The ten banks that were given to go-ahead to repay U.S. aid had planned on returning a combined $68.3 billion. Add another $4.6 billion to the tab! [DB]
• FDIC chair Sheila Bair stirred the pot the other day when she said she hoped to oust Citi's Vikram Pandit. Now both sides are defusing tensions. [FT]
• Hedgie John Paulson is investing $100 million in CB Richard Ellis. [WSJ]

Are Vikram's Days Numbered?

cityfile · 06/05/09 09:34AM

This isn't shaping up to be a good day for Citigroup chief Vikram Pandit. Sheila Bair, the chair of the FDIC, is now looking to change up the bank's management team, per today's Wall Street Journal, and has even reached out someone else—Jerry Grundhofer, the former CEO of U.S. Bancorp—to "gauge his interest" in the top job. No word on how likely this scenario is. But if Vikram really unleashed an "obscenity-laced tirade about the FDIC chairman" last fall when Citigroup lost out in its bid to acquire Wachovia—as the Journal recounts—it's safe to say his neighbors got an earful this morning when he picked up the copy of the Journal on his doorstep. [WSJ]

Wall Street: Thursday Morning

cityfile · 06/04/09 06:41AM

• Morgan Stanley may get out from under the TARP sooner rather than later now that the bank has raised another $2 billion of Japanese cash. [DB]
• AIG was spending a fortune to sponsor the British soccer team Manchester United. Now that it no longer has a fortune to spend, Aon is taking over. [DB]
• Fewer people filed new claims for jobless benefits for a third straight week last week, and worker productivity is up, too, so that's good news. [Reuters]

Citi Takes Wachovia, Bailout Goes to a Vote

cityfile · 09/29/08 05:22AM

♦ President Bush turned up outside the White House early this morning to urge lawmakers to pass the $700 billion bailout and a vote is expected later today. Bored today? The full text of the bailout is here. [NYT, WSJ]
♦ Citigroup has agreed to buy Wachovia in a deal brokerered by the FDIC. [Dealbook]
♦ The governments of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have teamed up to bail out Fortis, one of Europe's largest banks. [WSJ, Bloomberg]