
Martin Amis: Tina Brown "Got The Scent Off Me"

abalk2 · 02/20/07 01:32PM

Is it Oversharing Day or what? In a wide-ranging interview with surly British novelist Martin Amis, Radar's Chris Lehmann (DISCLOSURE: We are friendly with Lehmann, so it kills us to type that) ranges all the way to Amis' college affair with formerly buzz-worthy Maer Roshan mentor Tina Brown. Apparently she cured him of unfuckableness.

The Cool Kid

Emily Gould · 01/31/07 12:48PM

Daily, we check to see how many people have read our blog. Whether it's growing, ebbing, flowing... It consistently grows a little every week in its readership, which is great. The other day the number suddenly spiked, like, a bazillion percent. Like many thousands of people above the usual number. We imed the tech people at Gawker Media who run the site and asked if maybe the counter was broken. They informed us that no, it was working fine and that maybe we had been posting lately about something that had gotten people really riled up. We weren't really sure what they meant. We turn on the computer; write a few posts about Radar and how Cindy Adams is senile, check our RSS feeds, answer our hatemail, and we're done. You know, the minimal.

Jake Bronstein Will Kiss Your Feet, Nail You

abalk2 · 01/17/07 11:00AM

Remember art-lover Jake Bronstein? Fella who got canned from FHM for saying something mean about Howard Stern's girlfriend? Well, our Jake isn't the kind of man to let something as potentially devastating as being relieved of one's portfolio to interfere with the wielding of one's well-molded manhammer. This month's Glamour features a gallant epistle of gratitude from Jake to some broad that he banged after picking her up at Whole Foods on the day of his dismissal. Click to enlarge.