This Story About a Fencing Coach Who Foiled a Robbery Is Amazing
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/01/13 11:20AMFencing instructor Franco Scaramuzza was returning from class last week when he happened across a robbery in progress in the parking lot of a Nashville shopping center.
This Venezuelan Gold Medalist Taking the Subway Is the Best Olympics Photo Yet
Max Read · 08/03/12 10:07AM
I love that unbelievable shot of Gabby Douglas in the air as much as anyone, but Omid Djalili's cell-phone photo of Venezuelan gold medalist fencer Ruben Limardo riding the tube Wednesday after winning his country's first medal (in the individual épeé) since 1968 seems just as perfect in an entirely different way. Apparently Limardo, accompanied by a bunch of teammates and well-wishers, taught the subway car Venezuelan chants and let people pose for photos with the medal. Aw. [via @Omid9]