
Anna Wintour: The Recent Rumors Finally Explained

cityfile · 01/23/09 10:42AM

There's been no shortage of Anna Wintour rumors the past couple of months. Back in November, the word circulated that the Vogue editrix was thinking about retiring; two weeks later, there was gossip that Condé Nast chief Si Newhouse was planning to replace her with French Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld. More recently, there have been outlandish suggestions that Barack Obama is considering Anna as a possible ambassador to France or England. What gives? Who's been spreading the rumors? It turns out that the juicy bits about Anna are all connected: They're related to tense behind-the-scenes negotiations between Wintour and Newhouse over her new contract and were disseminated to the media by both sides as part of a devious whisper campaign.

The Dissing Of A Good Morning America Producer?

Ryan Tate · 01/22/09 07:43PM

Rumor has it former Good Morning America producer Ben Sherwood was pressured into giving up an appearance on his former show — because out outrage from his own former staff.

The Media War Over Caroline Kennedy

Ryan Tate · 01/22/09 07:30AM

Look: It's a glorious, bona fide press brawl! Caroline Kennedy's withdrawal from senate consideration touched off the rivalry between New York and D.C. news desks. New York won.

Tension Rising at CNBC

cityfile · 01/16/09 11:26AM

If you were thinking that the stress of the economic meltdown isn't talking a toll on financial news reporters, well, it is. This morning CNBC's Charlie Gasparino got into a little on-air tiff with colleague Dennis Kneale. Skip ahead 35 seconds or so to see Gasparino tell Kneale he isn't a real reporter and Kneale respond by telling Gasparino he's damaging the CNBC brand. Gasparino, of course, is doing no such thing. That's what Jim Cramer is there to do!

Today Offers Coulter Wednesday Slot

Ryan Tate · 01/05/09 11:14PM

After hilariously bumping Ann Coulter from Tuesday's show for Perez Hilton, NBC's Today asked the conservative simpleton on the next day, an olive branch she accepted with grace and wit. Hahahahahahaaa.