
John Travolta's Allegedly Gay Penis: A History

Maureen O'Connor · 05/09/12 12:41PM

After decades of rumored gay bath house orgies and Scientology "cures," John Travolta's sex life is back in the news with sexual battery charges from a pair of male masseurs. Running parallel to the story of John Travolta's rise to fame is the story of his allegedly gay penis' rise to infamy. Now presenting John Travolta: A Portrait of the Actor as the Sum of His Gay Rumors.

How to Get Into a Good College Now

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/12 10:55AM

Not long ago, getting into college involved nothing more than a fair-to-middling G.P.A., an essay about reading to the blind, and your parents' checkbook. Things are a bit more complicated now. College budgets are being slashed. Competition is intense. So intense that kids are starting the "college hunt" in ninth grade. Are you really prepared? You're about to be.

How to Win In the Machiavellian Workplace

Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/12 01:00PM

Work. You can either conquer it, or let it conquer you. Amirite? Don't let it conquer you. Conquer it. Yes. Conquering it is preferable. Having survived four full years at Gawker Media—eight-time winner of Forbes Magazine's prestigious "Most Unstable Workplace" award—I have picked up some prudent methods of survival. Don't just work—flourish™.

A Guide to Workout Supplements That Probably Won't Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/12 03:41PM

The US Army has launched an investigation into workout supplements after two soldiers fell down and died from heart attacks after taking pre-workout boosters like Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, which contain DMAA, a no good very bad/ perfectly safe amphetamine that either gives you heart attacks or is totally innocuous, depending on who you ask.

Your New York City Subway Survival Guide

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:43PM

In its infinite wisdom, the New York City Transit system has decided to stop shutting down the subways for repairs every weekend, and start shutting down the subways for repairs every weeknight. How will this affect you, the straphanger, and the "new breed" of trained subway thieves that prowl the trains to prey on you? Allow us to help you make sense of the new, improved New York Subway system.

Twilight of the Media Critics

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/11 11:47AM

Yesterday, the already-shrunken world of media reporting lost its two grandest figures: Jim Romenesko, the quiet man who singlehandedly set the agenda, like a front page editor for all media news (semi-retiring, by choice); and Slate's Jack Shafer—America's most consistently fearless press critic (laid off). Step back. Look around at the smoldering carnage of the media critic landscape. Who's left to carry the "harassing one's own industry colleagues" torch? A brief look, below.

Tim Cook: Apple's New CEO and the Most Powerful Gay Man in America

Ryan Tate · 08/24/11 07:27PM

In a tragic moment for Steve Jobs, there is a bright spot: Tim Cook, who will succeed Jobs as Apple's CEO, is an incredibly thorough and detail oriented boss who has revolutionized the way computers are assembled and steadily held the confidence of Apple's employees and partners. He is also, as we reported in January, destined to become an icon for gay advancement.

How to Respond to Media Criticism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 12:55PM

If you're a member of the media—and aren't we all, thanks to [platitude about Twitter]?—chances are that you're going to be the subject of some "media criticism" sooner or later. Will you let it destroy you? Why? Handling it like a pro is surprisingly easy!

The Cynic's Guide to the Oprah Winfrey Network

Adrian Chen · 01/02/11 01:49PM

The Oprah Winfrey Network launched yesterday. New York Times television critic Alessandra Stanley calls it "a place where cynicism takes a holiday and mockery hasn't yet been invented." This will not stand.

A Field Guide to Wikileaks and Its Adversaries

John Cook · 12/14/10 04:32PM

In case you haven't noticed, a pasty fugitive hacker has been at war with the U.S. government for the past few weeks while his minions use the net to attack global corporations. So what's all the fuss about?

Dating Dealbreakers for the Modern Man

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/10 12:38PM

Middle-aged writer Lois Romano explores how her own dating "litmus tests" and "dealbreakers" differ from those of her daughters. Fine. What about her sons? She has none. Out of respect for gender equality, we present some dating dealbreakers for men.

How to Sell Stuff to Anyone: Stereotypically

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/10 01:10PM

If you want to hear straight talk about race, ethnicity, and cultural stereotypes in America, look to the advertising community. They know what sells. To black people! To Latinos! To gays! If stereotypes are true, ads will prove it.