Rich Juzwiak · 01/28/13 10:10AM
Steven Soderbergh bitches a lot about the movie industry he's quitting, watches Girls and loves the smell of cat food.
Steven Soderbergh bitches a lot about the movie industry he's quitting, watches Girls and loves the smell of cat food.
Sweet Mary Mother of God this is huge: Israeli-Canadian filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici says he's found two of the nails that were used to crucify Jesus! He's also promoting a documentary he made about finding the nails, called The Nails of the Cross. Jacobovici told Reuters, "What we are bringing to the world is the best archaeological argument ever made that two of the nails from the crucifixion of Jesus have been found." HOLY SHIT! Oh, but he added, "Do I know 100% yes, these are them? I don't." But please check his movie out anyway.
An indie filmmaker was shooting a robbery scene in a convenience store; passersby got scared and called the cops, who busted in and almost shot the fake robber. Same thing happened during the filming of 300 Days of Summer. [Gothamist]