
L.A. Firefighters Have a Porn Scandal to Call Their Own

Seth Abramovitch · 09/23/11 12:31AM

Back in April, we brought you the story of two L.A. traffic cops caught participating in a guerrilla porn production, "spanking and fondling" an adult actress who approached them in the street. Now it's the LA Fire Department's turn, as an investigation gets underway into allegations that firefighters lent their fire engine to two porn shoots, both of which are available to watch at your leisure on "one of the world's biggest porn websites."

Chemical Explosion At News Corp. Building; HazMat Teams En Route

Maggie · 12/17/07 11:58AM

New York Post staffers just got word via panic-inducing NYPD email of a "chemical explosion" on the 45th floor of their News Corp. office building. The explosion was "POSSIBLY CAUSED BY OXIDIZERS REACTING WITH ACID," reads the memo. "HAZMAT TEAMS ARE RESPONDING," and several surrounding floors have been evacuated. One person has been injured, according to a story on the Post's website, which identifies the explosion as occurring at 1211 Sixth Avenue, "on the 45th floor of a midtown highrise." This might be one of those times where self-referentialism is acceptable, guys. You'll be pleased and much reassured to know that the fire department "HAS BEEN TOLD NOT TO ENTER THE 45TH FLOOR." Memo after the jump.