
Cops Accused of Starting Fire as Charred Body Found in 'Dorner' Cabin

Max Read · 02/13/13 08:22AM

After hours of confusion and misreporting as police waited for fire to dissipate and temperatures to cool, authorities confirmed that a charred body was found in the smoldering cabin where a suspect believed to be Christopher Jordan Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer who allegedly killed four people over a weeklong campaign of terror against his former employers, exchanged fire with police over several hours yesterday. A forensics team will conclusively identify the remains, which are assumed to be Dorner's.

Odd Future Makes Good on Promise to 'Burn Shit'

Cord Jefferson · 08/10/12 02:25PM

Here is a video of a massive palm tree just burning like hell, and raining fire down on all the innocent Angelenos unfortunate enough to be below it. This happened on Fairfax Avenue earlier this month, when some kids at rap group Odd Future's T-shirt store shot a bottle rocket into it, igniting it and causing it to then burn the awning of the pizza joint next door. I called that pizza joint and asked what the deal was, and a man named Raul said Odd Future has already promised to pay for the damages. Good for them.

The Wreckage of Last Night's Fire Island Fire

Brian Moylan · 11/15/11 12:40PM

Starting at about 9:30pm yesterday, the main complex on the harbor in the Fire Island Pines, gay-list New York's summer getaway, caught on fire destroying the historic Pavilion nightclub, the bar Sip 'N' Twirl, the restaurant Pines Bistro, and the eateries and retail spaces below them. The whole complex will be demolished. Here are some scenes from the wreckage.

Texas' Apocalyptic Wildfires, from the Ground—and from Space

Max Read · 09/06/11 07:40PM

It's been a horrible year for wildfires in Texas—six of the state's ten largest recorded wildfires have come in the last eight months, and nearly 3.5 million acres have burned so far. Right now, a large fire in Bastrop State Park—near Austin—rages completely out of control, and another in Montgomery County has forced 4,000 to evacuate, destroyed 80 homes, and likely caused the cancellation of a Renaissance Fair. Here are some breathtaking photos of the fires, and the damage they've caused—including a video taken from the International Space Station.

Synagogue Inferno on the Upper East Side

Seth Abramovitch · 07/12/11 02:19AM

Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on 85th St. is ablaze tonight, with 170 firefighters battling the four-alarm fire. The building was undergoing renovations. Despite sightings of fireballs and flames "spitting out of stained-glass windows," FDNY reports just four minor injuries to firefighters.

TV Reporter Caught Smoking While Covering Oil Fire

Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 01:56PM

Brad Woodard from Houston's KHOU went to cover the fire at an oil storage tank, but the smoke seen billowing on camera wasn't just from the fire, it was coming from Woodard's mouth as well. When the camera cut to him, he was still smoking a cigarette.

Jon Stewart Mocks John McCain for Being an Immigrant-Hating Geriatric

Matt Cherette · 06/22/11 10:57PM

Last weekend, Sen. John McCain made headlines when he inexplicably accused illegal immigrants of starting the wildfires currently ravaging Arizona. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart pointed out the absurdity of McCain's statements before conducting an interview with a McCain puppet—yes, a real puppet—about all of the other horrible things illegal immigrants have done to him.

Is This the Drunkest Interview Ever?

Matt Cherette · 02/27/11 01:14AM

Here's a local news interview featuring Tommy, a Hazelton, Pennsylvania resident whose house had just burned down. That's sad! Tommy's insane—and I mean insane, child—level of drunkenness, however? Well, that's just plain hilarious. "I'm gonna get racial!"

White House Official's Wife Found Dead in Burning Car

Jim Newell · 01/10/11 12:52PM

Ashley Turton, a lobbyist and ex-Hill staffer whose husband, Dan Turton, is the White House's legislative liaison to the House of Representatives, was found dead in a burnt car inside a Capitol Hill garage this morning.

Lady's Hair Catches Fire at P. Diddy Hot Tub Party

Maureen O'Connor · 12/16/10 11:48AM

The scene: A luxe party at a Manhattan penthouse. Diddy hosts and livestreams video of his beautiful guests, like a model cavorting in a hot tub, surrounded by candles, one increasingly large flame—ohmigod! She's on fire! Everyone panic!

Subway Fire Shuts Down L Train in Both Directions

Richard Lawson · 09/13/10 10:39AM

A fire at the 1st Avenue L station has halted service to and from Williamsburg, so now's our chance to pull up Manhattan's anchors and sail away from it forever. Williamsburgians stuck on the island can be put to work.