
Don't Make That Startup Video!

Ryan Tate · 12/20/11 05:15PM

We've explained time and time again that you should put down the camera and not make that rap video. Apparently some clarification is in order: This goes for web startups, too. In fact, web startups should avoid music videos of any sort.

Laid-off Wall Street techs offered work at Silicon Alley startups

Jackson West · 09/17/08 11:00AM

Buy low, sell high, as they say on Wall Street. And right now, there's a flow tide of technical talent from shuttered financial firms flooding the New York Area available at rock-bottom prices. Fred Wilson at Union Square Ventures says why not take a pay cut and work longer hours at a Web startup? The "quant jocks" Wilson describes could also bank their savings and some unemployment checks and spend six months pitching a business plan — I bet they could convince Wilson to throw some money your way. The entrepreneurial route worked for former finance techie Jeff Bezos, an early adopter who worked at a hedge fund before hedge funds were cool. First Round Capital has a list of jobs in and around New York for those who would rather continue collecting a paycheck. Though the fund did sneak in email startup Xobni, which is on the left coast. "[H]ey, why not consider a move. The weather is better and winter is coming!!!" That said, so is Julia Allison. (Photo by AP/Mary Altaffer)

VC freaks out Yahoos with "shocking" Facebook ad

Nicholas Carlson · 02/08/08 01:20PM

Yesterday, First Round Capital VC Jeff Kopelman posted to his blog what he thought was clear evidence that Yahoo employees are planning a mass exodus. Through his venture firm, he bought Facebook ads with the message "Leaving Yahoo?" in November and again this week after Microsoft announced its intentions to buy the company. Clickthrough rates on the ads were up 300 percent this time over last, Kopelman said. What Kopelman didn't say was that this time the ads included Facebook profile pictures of current Yahoo employees. The pictures appeared because the Yahoos had joined First Round Capital's Facebook group — not because they'd left the company.

The moneymen at The Lobby

Megan McCarthy · 10/25/07 05:33PM

The venture capitalists spotted at this week's Lobby conference in Hawaii are not, we've noted, the Sand Hill Road dwellers who inflated bubbles past or present. No sign of anyone from Sequoia or Kleiner Perkins. So who is enjoying the tropical sun? Well, conference host and August Capital partner David Hornik, of course. Also photographed on the scene: Greylock's David Sze, SoftTech's Jeff Clavier, Foundation Capital's Mike Brown, Panorama Capital's Mike Jung, and Bay Partner's Eric Chin. Hats off to First Round Capital's Josh Kopelman, who is using his entrepreneurial skills to cash in during the scavenger hunt. (Photo by: bradley23)

Much love to Web 2.0

Megan McCarthy · 10/17/07 05:45PM

The week of Web 2.0 Summit, with the industry converging on San Francisco, seems like as good time as any to throw a shindig. Everyone's in town for the schmoozefest, so you might get to meet quality people who normally avoid the party scene. While my boss hit the Reddit party, I hopped around town to some of the other events. Three, in fact. VC firm True Ventures held a gathering at their offices on Pier 38, a tech industry jam session — for charity, naturally — occurred across town at the Rickshaw Stop, and VCs Eric Chin and Mike Jung held a private party at Fluid for attendees of their intimate Alpha dinners in Woodside. Who needs sleep this week?

Email startup takes on filmmaking

Megan McCarthy · 10/01/07 05:38PM

Email startup Xobni ("inbox" spelled backwards) has released a short film aimed at recruiting new engineers to join their team. Filmed with a clear nod towards Reservoir Dogs and Office Space, the clip includes an efficient German manager, gratuitous toilet humor (the bathroom stall is labeled "Outbox"), an Indian-accented sock puppet, and an appearance by Y Combinator guru Paul Graham, who bought the cameo, in a sense, by providing Xobni's seed round.

Bow down and worship Xobni's party-throwing skills

Megan McCarthy · 08/20/07 06:11PM

On the left, beatific investor Rob Hayes of First Round Capital. On the right, worshipful Xobni cofounder Adam Smith, genuflecting before the man who graced his startup with the tall dollars, and helped fund a night of excess last Friday.