Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/13 01:20PM
The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue
Hamilton Nolan · 01/23/13 04:00PM
New York mayor Mike Bloomberg's crusade to ban large-sized sugary drinks has some surprising new foes: the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation, two large nonprofits ostensibly dedicated to advancing the rights of minorities. In this case, they are advancing the interests of their own corporate backers at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve.
Here's How Desperate for Money PR People Are Right Now
Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/13 03:53PM
The most exciting public relations industry development of the day is undoubtedly the official launch of the hottest new PR agency in town: $100 Dollar PR. That is actually the name of the new PR agency: $100 Dollar PR. What's that screaming sound you hear? Oh, it is just the name "$100 Dollar PR" screaming "quality."
The Holiday Season Is the Worst Time to Be a Publicist
Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/12 04:02PM
Here is the IFC Network Press Team's official holiday card. Note that it is signed by hand by all four members of the IFC Press Team. Now, imagine how many hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of stupid identical holiday cards the IFC Press Team has to send out, the vast majority of them to random reporters the IFC Press Team does not even know or like. Imagine how many hours the IFC Press Team has to spend, sitting around a small table, signing their names to card after card after card, the vast majority of which will be tossed into the trash with little more than a moment's glance from their recipient. And, further, consider the fact that at least the IFC Press Team gets to write their hundreds and hundreds of useless, unwanted Holiday Cards to a more interesting list of recipients than most of their PR industry peers, who are forced to sign hundreds and hundreds of their own unwanted Holiday Cards and mail them to lists of finance professionals, or sporting goods store owners, or auto dealership managers, or floor wax salesman. Or clients. Consider having to write these god damn cards to hundreds of your asshole clients. And then being forced to attend your clients' holiday parties. Consider that.
Russia's PR Firm Is Planting Propaganda on Your Favorite Websites
Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/12 03:14PMPR Dummies: How Not to Pitch
Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/12 05:00PM'Who Are You Banging?' And Other Questions Journalists Can't Ask One Direction
Camille Dodero · 10/04/12 01:45PM
One Direction are a very famous British boy band who're currently more popular than Botched Jesus Fresco. Since their serendipitous formation on Simon Cowell's X Factor, they have stolen the hearts and minds and babysitting incomes of young squeeing girls across the world, including a very notable one named Malia Obama.
PR Dummies: Remember 9/11 With Discount DJ Services
Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/12 12:30PM
Public relations often involves the delicate art of tiptoeing around sensitive subjects in order to continue your ruthless and unceasing marketing activities. Fine. But it is not required that you incorporate these sensitive subjects into your ruthless marketing activities. This is PR Dummies. Remembering Ivy Lee, with a slight discount, every week.
The Future of Advertising Is More God Damn Buzzwords
Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/12 05:10PM
What does the Creative digital ad agency world of the future look like? It's not what you might imagine—Mad Men in space suits, leisurely sipping martinis in their flying cars. It's about "thinking as much like a modern newsroom as it does a creative department," according to an Ad Age op-ed by ad guy Ian Schafer. What does that mean in practice? It means using lots and lots more buzzwords—strategically.
The Fundamental Futility of Speaking to Spokespersons
Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/12 12:50PMPR Dummies: Where to Find Some Swinging Single Moms
Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/12 03:30PMPR Dummies: One Good Chiropractor Could Have Stopped the Batman Massacre
Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/12 11:40AMPR Dummies: How to Make Money From the Aurora Massacre
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/12 05:10PMPR Dummies: Healthy Hoohoos for Gal Pals
Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/12 02:50PMPR Dummies: 'Start Using Social Media!'
Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/12 02:50PMPR Dummies: Party in Malibi With Mary J. Bilge
Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/12 02:00PMWal-Mart Drops PR Firm Whose Flack Posed as Reporter
Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/12 01:21PM
Earlier this month, a flack named Stephanie Harnett—who worked for Mercury Public Affairs, and whose client was Wal-Mart—was caught posing as a reporter to sneak into an anti-Wal-Mart event in Los Angeles. She was fired soon after we published the story, and both Wal-Mart and Mercury decried her actions. The firm said that Harnett was not acting on their orders. (Later, a different former PR person who worked on Wal-Mart's behalf told us that she had been instructed to use similar tactics by her own firm.)