
Industry Standard Loser's $22m Vindication

Nick Denton · 04/30/08 03:54PM

Silicon Valley impresario John Battelle was convinced his Industry Standard could bring in $1bn a year; the bubble-era tech magazine was bankrupted by his hubris, and the real-estate binge to house the mini-mogul's dreams of media empire. This time round-with a successful online advertising network called FM Publishing which represents sites such as Boing Boing-Battelle has made sure to cash in before the boom ends, reports Valleywag.

Techcest: Why Brian Alvey owned

ndouglas · 04/21/06 05:42PM

This year, as every year, Brian Alvey of the Weblogs, Inc. Network renewed UPDATE: Brian Alvey of Weblogs Inc. doesn't still own, but because his WIN partner Jason Calacanis sold it along with the Silicon Alley Reporter, he's been listed as owning the domain ever since the first boom.

FM Publishing gets fresh money

ndouglas · 03/16/06 01:00PM

Federated Media Publishing, the hot top-down (or bottom-up or whatever the new hot way to do things is) website network, closed its Series A funding round this week. Members like TechCrunch and GigaOM (and even FM Pub newbie Tailrank) pile on congratulations.

FM Publishing might add a portal page

ndouglas · 02/24/06 09:58AM

Federated Media Publishing is launching a portal page, according to an unconfirmed a confirmed rumor. Think 9rules, but with much bigger players. The massive blog collective (founded by former Industry Standard founder John Battelle) sells ads for Boing Boing, Fark, and a few other hefty blog titles.