
What to Read This Fall

Max Read · 09/13/10 01:51PM

Fall is the best season for reading—it's either the weather or a Pavlovian response conditioned by years of schooling. But: What are you going to read? Here's a preview of some of this fall's most interesting titles.

These "dangerous Indian beauties" cost Michael Eisner $10,000 every two minutes

Nicholas Carlson · 05/28/08 11:20AM

Michael Eisner spent $3,000 for every 90 seconds of footage for his series Prom Queen. His latest series Foreign Body, a promotional vehicle for a new Robin Cook novel, cost more than three times that for each episode. Find the first in the series embedded below. Of course, figures like that are low compared to what it costs to make content for film or TV, but the problem for Eisner is that despite his Web TV company's very Web-y name — Vuguru means "you are the guru of viewing," Eisner once told a reporter — it still hasn't made much money yet. Despite 15 million views, Eisner says he only made a couple thousand dollars on Prom Queen. The series sequel lost money.