
EXCLUSIVE: Is This a Preview of Ted Cruz’s Border Defense Policy?

Ashley Feinberg · 02/02/16 05:35PM

Ted Cruz, Iowa caucus winner and current GOP frontrunner, has been hitting border control hard throughout the course of his campaign. And now, thanks to EXCLUSIVE photographs that you can only get here on, we may have our very first glimpse at a President Cruz’s border defense policy.

America's Cold-Blooded Syrian Stalemate Policy

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/13 02:27PM

Syria is embroiled in a civil war. The US could decide to help one side win; alternately, we could just stay out of it. Instead, we're taking a third route: purposely working to ensure that nobody wins.

Max Read · 06/05/13 12:49PM

Watch Video of America Giving Aerial Support to a Jamaican Massacre

John Cook · 05/02/13 11:29AM

Two years ago, the New Yorker's Mattathias Schwartz documented the brutal massacre Jamaican security forces undertook when they entered the notorious slum Tivoli Gardens to arrest—at the insistence of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency—drug kingpin and local hero Christopher "Dudus" Coke in 2010. They didn't find Coke, but they managed to kill 73 civilians in what the Jamaicans claimed was a pitched street battle with Coke's partisans. After it was all over, they found six guns.

The Insane and Devastating Costs of the War in Iraq

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/13 11:38AM

Ten years ago next week, the United States invaded Iraq. The ensuing decade of war would destroy Iraq, kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers, and cost trillions of dollars. It was not worth it. Not even close. A new accounting from the Costs of War project at Brown University lays bare just how much blood and treasure ten years of the War in Iraq has cost. For example:

E-Mails Show Wall Street Journal Iraq Reporter Was Sleeping With Obama's Nominee for Ambassador to Iraq

John Cook · 06/07/12 02:59PM

"You can't fuck the elephants while you're covering the circus" is an old journalistic maxim—often attributed to the Washington Post's Ben Bradlee the New York Times' Abe Rosenthal—delineating the boundaries of appropriate reporter-source relationships. Sleep with whomever you want, in other words, with the exception of the people you write about. If recently released email exchanges between the Wall Street Journal's Gina Chon and a former National Security Council official turn out to be as real as they seem, then it looks like Chon fucked a big ol' elephant.