
Black Bodies, White Terrorism: A Global Reimagining of Forgiveness

Esther Armah · 07/04/15 12:00PM

My mama is 79. Wednesday night is her bible study. Just like Ms. Ethel Lee Lance, mama has her circle of church going elders—black women in their 60s, 70s, and 80s for whom church is home. Maybe even safer than home. Their pain was safe in the hands of this particular Jesus. Unshed tears from the Middle Passage were here. Friendships decades deep were here. Sanctuary was here. Comfort, too. Prayers unheard by a black community too often deaf to the pain of black girls and women were heard here, by this Jesus. Or so they thought.

Sarah Hedgecock · 04/17/14 05:02PM

Kobra, whose son Bilal was convicted of murdering Abdollah Hosseinzadeh, embraces Abdollah's mother Samereh Alinejad after she pardoned the murderer. The last-minute pardon occurred just before Bilal was to be executed in public on Tuesday in the northern city of Nour, Iran. Image via ISNA, Arash Khamoushi/AP.

Mark Stroman Will Die Tomorrow

Remy Stern · 07/19/11 02:38PM

Tomorrow, the state of Texas will kill Mark Stroman by means of lethal injection. Today, a man he tried to murder, Rais Bhuyian, is praying Texas will spare Stroman's life.

Donna Karan Kicks Off the Fashion Industry Defending John Galliano Tour

Brian Moylan · 04/14/11 01:01PM

Noted fashion designer (and Jew) Donna Karan says that John Galliano's anti-Semitic rants were "blown out of proportion." She told New York magazine, "I know John. I've met John. He's a wonderful designer, a brilliant designer, and he probably needs help and support right now. To be a designer's a very taskful situation, and sometimes it can push a few limits." Yup, give it six months and he'll be fully back in the fashion industry's good graces.