
Vain Startup Founders Swear They're Not Vain

Ryan Tate · 06/20/11 04:52PM

The new tech millionaires yearn to legitimize their wealth. They swear they're better than those year 2000 dot-com scamsters. They're basically poor people, see, but with humongous bank accounts — and an endless need to brag about their modest lifestyles.

Facebook Founders Settle Their Feud

Owen Thomas · 01/30/09 06:44PM

After years of freezing out cofounder Eduardo Saverin over a dispute about money, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has deigned to recognize his former Harvard buddy. Why now? Perhaps to derail a forthcoming Facebook tell-all?

Credit where credit's undue

Owen Thomas · 09/18/07 06:55PM

Facebook isn't the only social network over whom people are scrapping for credit as founders. Brad Greenspan, the former CEO of MySpace parent Intermix Media, disputes Brett Brewer's claim to having founded MySpace. What's more amazing is that the founder-status mention appeared offhandedly in a TechCrunch company profile — but Greenspan nonetheless found it, and left a comment. One wonders — does Greenspan have Google News set to email him an alert whenever someone uses the words "MySpace" and "founder"? At any rate, Valleywag's reinvention of the old saying remains true: success has many founders.