Clinton Accuses Sanders Campaign of Lying About the Contributions She's Received from the Fossil Fuel Industry
Brendan O'Connor · 03/31/16 07:00PMOn Tuesday, following a rally at SUNY-Purchase, Greenpeace activist Eva Resnick-Day confronted Hillary Clinton, asking her whether she would stop taking money from the fossil fuel industry. Clinton, frustrated, jabbed her finger in Resnick-Day’s face: “I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me.”
Leaked Big Oil Speech: Wage "Endless War" Against Fracking Opponents
Andy Cush · 10/31/14 12:00PM
In June, Rick Berman of the PR firm Berman & Company gave a speech to a room full of oil industry executives. Presumably believing his talk was private, he spoke of waging "endless war" against fracking's opponents and exploiting fear and anger to win supporters. Unfortunately for him, he was being recorded.
Adam Weinstein · 05/21/14 04:03PM
Continue Fracking, Pay No Attention to All the Earthquakes
Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/14 04:46PMAdam Weinstein · 02/25/14 03:31PM
Chevron Rewards Survivors of Fracking Explosion With Pizza Coupon
Ken Layne · 02/18/14 02:35PMParched California Cuts Farm Water Supplies To ... Zero
Ken Layne · 01/31/14 03:31PMRadio Disney Is Promoting Fracking at Dozens of Elementary Schools
Taylor Berman · 01/09/14 04:41PMTerrifying Louisiana Sinkhole Swallows Up Entire Trees In Seconds
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/22/13 07:55AMIt was just over a year ago that the ground suddenly opened up beneath the residents of Bayou Corne, Louisiana, and swallowed their lives whole.
Two Children Given Lifelong Ban on Ever Talking About Fracking
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 08/11/13 09:44AMFracking Might Destroy the German Beer Industry
Taylor Berman · 05/23/13 07:49PMKoch Brothers Dump Three-Story Pile of Toxic Byproduct on Detroit
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/18/13 10:51AMGassed in Pennsylvania: Green Jobs, Black Men, and the Dirty Hope of Fracking
Brentin Mock · 02/09/13 03:00PMFracking Legalized in North Carolina After Rep Who Was Against Bill Accidentally Voted For It
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/03/12 04:25PMAndrew Cuomo Will Make New York Fracktastic
Jim Newell · 06/30/11 02:33PM
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo became the nation's progressive superhero and pre-determined 2016 Democratic nominee for president just last week, with the legalization of same-sex marriage. So what's next for this once-in-a-generation liberal lion? How about ditching the state's moratorium on dangerous hydraulic fracturing for natural gas? Hmm.
Pa. Governor Urges Cash Strapped Colleges to Drill for Natural Gas
Jim Newell · 04/28/11 04:05PM
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is proposing massive cuts to the state's higher education system in his budget proposal, including reducing aid to colleges and universities by 50 percent. But! And this is important! Six lucky colleges and universities in the Pennsylvania higher education system, Corbett says, have an easy way of making up that difference: Open the campuses to natural gas drilling, because there's a fucking goldmine under College Green.