
Frank Addante reveals a bit too much about the Rubicon Project

Owen Thomas · 10/22/08 05:00PM

Frank Addante, CEO of the Rubicon Project, a Los Angeles-based online-advertising startup, mocks himself so you don't have to. Another pointless ad network? Clueless execs? Gullible venture capitalists? His latest video, made to introduce himself and his company to attendees at The Lobby, a Hawaiian tech-dealmaker junket organized by venture capitalist David Hornik, embraces all the possible criticisms one might make of Addante. Except for this one: He has enough spare time on his hands to make videos and go on a thinly disguised Big Island vacation. That's the real joke, in case you weren't getting it.

Frank Addante needs an assistant

Owen Thomas · 10/06/08 02:00PM

Only Tinseltown can match Silicon Valley in turning self-delusion into marketable products. We've always admired Frank Addante, the CEO and founder of an L.A.-based online-advertising startup, the Rubicon Project, for embodying the worst of both worlds — and thereby maximizing his commercial potential. Want to catch a ride in his SUV? Addante, in a recent message on LinkedIn, informed his contacts that he's "looking for ambitious mavericks, entrepreneurial winners and A++ people." Who are willing to work as his executive assistant. The job listing, if you believe that you can achieve your goals as an entrepreneur by booking travel and running errands (must have reliable transporation):