
George Zimmerman's Best Racist Friend Now Says He Was Guilty of Murder

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 10:05AM

He stood up for Trayvon Martin's killer at trial and on all the talk shows. He fine-tuned the narrative of Martin as a thug. He concealed his own criminal history and conducted white supremacist podcasts. But Frank Taaffe has had a change of heart, and now says Zimmerman is a racist murderer.

CNN Books Zimmerman's White-Power Buddy to Discuss Killing Black Boys

Adam Weinstein · 02/13/14 11:25AM

Frank Taaffe is George Zimmerman's best friend, who feverishly worked the networks during Zimmerman's murder trial to paint his victim, Trayvon Martin, as a black thug. Frank Taaffe is a white supremacist. And CNN's sister network still loves loves loves bringing Frank Taaffe on to talk about dead black boys.