
Cord Jefferson · 07/24/13 07:46PM

If you thought frat hazing was scary before, just wait until you read about "FratPAC," the fraternity industry group that lobbies against anti-hazing legislation.

Wesleyan Sued Over 'Rape Factory' Frat House

Max Read · 10/09/12 03:37PM

According to its web site, the Wesleyan branch of Beta Theta Pi fraternity has five "core principles": "mutual assistance," "intellectual growth," "trust," "responsible conduct" and "integrity." According to a new lawsuit, it also has a cool nickname: "Rape Factory."

Tennessee Fraternity Holds Hilarious Press Conference to Deny Butt Chugging Charges

Taylor Berman · 10/02/12 07:46PM

The University of Tennessee had quite the scandal last week when a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was accused of butt chugging wine. The alleged butt chugger was hospitalized with a reported .4 BAC, and the fraternity was eventually suspended. Today, the entire fraternity held a press conference to deny accusations that the accused butt chugger, Alexander P. Broughton, actually butt chugged any wine.

Cornell Frat Sued for $25 Million Over Hazing Death

Max Read · 06/28/11 06:47PM

College fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon—"Same Assholes Everywhere," if we remember correctly—was just hit with a $25 million lawsuit over the death of a Cornell first-year, allegedly thanks to a hazing ritual gone wrong.

Yale's 'George Bush Frat' Gets Suspended

Jim Newell · 05/17/11 03:34PM

The members of Yale's chapter of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, where both President George H.W. "Poppy" Bush and his son George W. Bush are proud legacies, will be suspended for five years after a little pledge incident involving chants of rape jokes.

Penn Frat Cleared of Camel Molestation

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 08:37AM

We hasten this morning to bring you the very latest on the Penn Frat Party Camel Abuse Controversy. What's that? You haven't been following the uproar at the Ivy League that erupted after the Zeta Psi fraternity went to a petting zoo and rented a camel for its "Spring Fling" party? And how some people objected to the way that the camel was surrounded by drunken Greeks and petted to within an inch of its life?

The Great Columbia Frat Boy Drug-Dealing Ring

Maureen O'Connor · 12/07/10 01:32PM

You know it's a good story when it begins with a narcotics task force called "Operation: Ivy League." After months undercover with kids who are reading the Iliad, the NYPD busted five alleged frat boy drug dealers at Columbia University.

Duke Frats Send Charming Halloween Party Invitations to Coeds

Richard Lawson · 11/03/10 10:09AM

Last week gentlemen (or one gentleman, depending on who you believe) from two Duke fraternity houses sent out, to 300 or so choice ladies, an email wooing them to their houses by calling them sluts and making Helen Keller jokes.

Gay Emory Student Dragged Out of Frat Party

Richard Lawson · 10/26/10 09:59AM

A student at Atlanta's Emory University claims he was pulled out of a frat party by the neck this weekend after he admitted to being gay. A fraternity member says it had more to do with the student's "wizard hat."

Frat Dude's Bedroom Walls Get Painted Pink

Frank Cozarelli · 03/30/10 10:30AM

A bro returns from a real chill trip to discover something not so chill - his fellow bros painted his room pink! Don't act so mad, dude - you know you have plenty of pink shirts to match those walls.

The Twitter Frat House

Ryan Tate · 08/19/09 10:44AM

Twitter's been repeatedly brought down this month by attacks from global hackers, attacks that sysadmins at rival Google managed to deflect. What better time to tinker with the elaborate process of home beer brewing?