
No Yogurt and Orange Juice for You!

cityfile · 11/13/08 03:15PM

More bad news today for the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis. After suffering the embarassment of having senior partner Fred Tanne's STD test results laid bare for all to see earlier this week, employees were informed today that Tropicana orange juice, cereal, and yogurt has been cut from the firm's free breakfast menu. We'll assume the change has more to do with budget cuts and less to do with an aversion to sharing orange juice containers with a guy who has herpes, but we'll leave that up to you to decide. [Above the Law]

Really Embarrassing Lawsuit Manages to Get More Embarrassing

cityfile · 11/12/08 01:51PM

Remember Fred Tanne, the lawyer who sued his estranged wife (along with her alleged lover and father) for giving him herpes? Bad news: The STD test results are in and it turns out that Fred and Amy (left) do, indeed, have herpes. The problem is that they don't have the same type of herpes, which means Fred didn't contract it from his wife. Awkward day at the offices of Kirkland & Ellis! [Above the Law]