
Weird Congressional Frosh Promise to Stand Outside Everyday

Jim Newell · 03/30/11 11:20AM

Oh, those House Republican freshmen. They're furious at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Democratic caucus for not passing the full $61 billion in budget cuts that they want. Why can't Senate Dems just listen to the American people, they ask, and eliminate funding for every program Democrats like? Because until this happens, 30 House Republican freshmen promise to stand on the Senate steps everyday, just straight-up making a ruckus.

The Official Congressional Freshmen Hot List

Jim Newell · 01/07/11 03:32PM

There are so many new members of Congress this year — and some of them are even attractive, by Washington standards! We've studied them all and plucked only the "sexiest." And your Gawker editors have scored them, to boot.

The GOP's Official Freshmen Survival Guide

Jim Newell · 11/23/10 04:30PM

The many incoming Republican members of Congress are still enjoying Freshmen orientation: Boring lectures by day, secret Boehner orgies by night. But are these sore, hungover noobs even learning anything? Yes! It's all found in Eric Cantor's Official Freshmen Guide.

GOP Freshmen Don't Appreciate Tea Party's Voicemail Bombardment

Jim Newell · 11/15/10 02:38PM

No one could have predicted, when the group Tea Party Patriots posted the personal cell numbers and email addresses for incoming Republican congressmen online, that the incoming Republican congressmen wouldn't appreciate this. Who wouldn't want hundreds of confusing, unsolicited calls?