
We Will Now Predict the Oscar Nominations

Richard Lawson · 01/08/09 05:56PM

All the major movie awards nominations, with the exception of those for the Oscars, have been announced. So we can make a pretty good guess about what will get nods come January 22nd.

Only Two More 'Christmases' To Go Before We Can Forget It Existed

Seth Abramovitch · 12/08/08 01:21PM

The weekend kicked off with a mild rumbler and closed out with a sputter, as not even Lionsgate's completely stupid Punisher remake of a remake of a remake managed to connect with completely-stupid-movie-loving audiences. Still, things continued to bode well for indepe—we mean specialty films—with Milk, Slumdog Millionaire, and a number of other brain-fertilizing offerings continuing to show specialty legs. That said—buckle-up for a ride on the post-Thanksgiving Deja Vu Express, aka the Grove Trolley to Movie Hell:

'Punisher' Lays Waste to Beyonce, Nixon and Rest of Multiplex

STV · 12/05/08 11:50AM

Welcome back to Defamer Attractions, your weekly guide to everything new, noteworthy and/or catastrophic at the movies. Today we welcome back a franchise that uncannily lives up to its name, a meaty slice of Oscar bait and a congested second tier of art-house strivers, all pleading for your time opposite new DVD releases in the smoldering Doomsday aftermath. As always, our opinions are our own, but they are well-behaved, great with kids and they won't chew up your furniture. Adopt them after the jump!

STV · 12/03/08 04:11PM

Adventures in Obviousness. A helpful reminder from MSNBC for anyone who might have forgotten: "Movies no place to learn real history." Like Frost/Nixon? Their meeting never really happened! Spoiler alert! [MSNBC via MCN]

Kyle Buchanan · 12/02/08 07:35PM

By George: Here at Defamer, we've made it no secret that we didn't really care for Frost/Nixon (in the crowded cinematic genre that is "movies that employ a titular blackslash," we still have a soft spot for Face/Off). But could our opinions have been swayed by the suavest, most-mustachioed actor/director around, George Clooney? Writer Peter Morgan says Clooney made a full-court press for the helming gig: "(Clooney) said things like, 'We are really going to kick ass with this!' Not going with him was a complete fucking agony because he suggested doing some script work at his house by Lake Como - at which point my wife was just shaking her head." We can see it now: noted Clooney wingman Mark Wahlberg as Richard Nixon. "Hey there, Frostie. Say hi to your mother for me!" [Daily Express]

Grazer/Howard Lament Lackluster First Reviews Of 'Frost/Nixon'

STV · 10/15/08 03:57PM

In our ongoing effort to bring you the very latest critical distaste for every prestige film this fall, we follow up last week's collection of lukewarm W. reviews with hot-off-the-presses ambivalence toward Frost/Nixon. Ron Howard and Brian Grazer's adaptation of the Tony Award-winning play reunites Frank Langella and Michael Sheen as, respectively, the 37th president and his pesky TV inquisitor; the early word confirms that the film offers gravitas to spare, but you'll want to bring your own pillow:· "It’s difficult to think of a director less-suited to take on the intricate, minutiae-obsessed writing of Peter Morgan than Howard — a director who, even in his finest films, has always been interested in the big picture first, with characters serving history rather than the other way round. [...] Leading with his impressive, booming approximation of the Nixon voice, Langella is allowed to actively chew scenery and the performance becomes increasingly detached from the overall work." — Guy Lodge, InContention [via Patrick Goldstein] · "Sheen's impersonation of Frost starts with the classic tics: the head waggle, the nasal droning, the tiny soupçon of Brucie - but he soon sounds like ... well ... Tony Blair. [...] Nixon is a juicy part and Langella extracts every tasty drop.But the performance has no room to grow. Frost and Nixon have no 'real-world' encounters: it is like a boxing movie about two combatants who never meet outside the ring." — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian · "Although it all pays off in a potent and revelatory final act rife with insights into the psychology and calculations of power players, the initial stretch is rather dry and prosaic. Perhaps needlessly adopting a cinematic equivalent of the play's direct-to-audience address, Howard 'interviews' several of the characters, witness-style, about the events, which only serves to make the film feel somewhat choppy, half like a documentary at first. [...] It might even be that the film could have done without the talking heads altogether." — Todd McCarthy, Variety All right, all right — fine. Let Grazer write this one off to Gigi and let's just move on to '09, already.

Frost/Nixon On The Screen

Nick Denton · 08/21/08 11:04AM

Peter Morgan's brilliant political play comes to the screen only this December, but an international trailer of Ron Howard's movie version has already hit Youtube. Frank Langella channels Richard Nixon after his retirement: he's bulkier than the disgraced president but captures Nixon's neediness and paranoia. David Frost—the oily British journalist who secured the first big interview after Nixon's resignation—is Michael Sheen. He's making a career out of these political roles: Sheen played Tony Blair in another Morgan project, The Queen.

Not an April Fool's Joke: Oscars Season is Apparently Upon Us

STV · 04/01/08 11:15AM

We awoke this morning with our fully-charged Defamer prank sensors cranked high, awaiting the torrent of breaking non-news that would challenge us throughout April Fool's Day. Our first alarm sounded at Variety, where Pamela McClintock dumped the timetables for studios' award-season hopefuls and thus launched the trade's unofficial 2008 Oscar Race Handicapping Guide.

Imagine Gets Into The Frank Langella Business For 'Frost/Nixon'

seth · 04/30/07 03:05PM

· Frank Langella will reprise his stage role as Nixon for Imagine's big screen version of Peter Morgan's celebrated play, Frost/Nixon. The casting suggests director Ron Howard will remain true to the source material, though that doesn't completely rule out Akiva Goldsman being brought in for an eleventh-hour rewrite that incorporates several make-believe characters that exist only in the disgraced President's paranoid imagination. [Variety]
· In further Imagine news, Ridley Scott signs on to direct Russell Crowe in Nottingham, the "Robin Hood but where the Sheriff's the good guy" movie, hoping the two can reignite Gladiator, not-so-much A Good Year, magic. [Variety]