
A Video of Total Emotional Breakdown Caused By Police Harassment

Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/14 10:49AM

Many videos, from Rodney King onwards, have captured the physical violence of police brutality. Rarer is a video that captures the psychological trauma of someone suffering a complete emotional breakdown in the face of police harassment.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/14 12:47PM

New York mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that the city will end its appeal of a ruling against the NYPD's stop and frisk policy. If everything goes according to plan, slightly fewer minorities will be harassed by cops in New York City in the near future.

Let's Watch Cops Bash Some Guy For No Good Reason

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/14 02:55PM

Here you will see a video showing several Seabrook, NH police officers slamming a prisoner in their custody into a wall and pepper spraying him for no apparent reason.

Ray Kelly: Stop-and-Frisk Critics "Absolutely" Full of Shit

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/13 12:04PM

Playboy asks NYPD boss Ray Kelly about political critics of his stop-and-frisk policy: "Do you think they were just full of shit?" "Absolutely," Kelly says. Then he talks about how black teens in Harlem love him.

The NYPD Had a Gunshot-Filled 2012

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/13 01:19PM

New York City Police officers fired more rounds, shot more people, and were shot themselves more in 2012 than in the previous year. Mayor Bloomberg can proudly go out on a violent note.

LA Sheriff's Deputies Naturally Enjoy Racist Jokes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/13 08:34AM

The entertainment at the LA Sheriff's Department "Sheriffs Day Luncheon" yesterday was a stand-up comedian who reportedly told lots of racist jokes, and then received a plaque of appreciation from the LA Sheriff. Yes? And? Sounds like they chose the entertainment perfectly.

CIA Spies Were Embedded Inside the NYPD

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/13 08:11AM

A newly released 2011 report from the CIA's inspector general reveals that the CIA embedded four officers inside the NYPD's intelligence division after 9/11. The CIA, of course, is not allowed to spy on Americans. And they didn't, according to the CIA!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 12:57PM

The LAPD is now formally free of federal oversight, so... everyone stay in the house.

The NYPD, Which Deplores Racial Profiling, Orders Cop to Stop 'Male Blacks 14 to 20'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/13 10:00AM

The NYPD's public safety policy of "Harass all young minority males who show themselves in public," politely dubbed "Stop and frisk," is currently on trial for its legal life. Hilariously (unless you are a young minority male), police officials are still able to insist with a straight face that such a program does not constitute "racial profiling." Hey, let's roll that tape, recorded by an NYPD officer who was being berated by his superior!