
Northwestern Stops Offering a Minor in Fucksaw Sciences

Seth Abramovitch · 05/10/11 02:51AM

The fucksaw scandal that rocked Northwestern University to its very foundations, in which a psychology professor innocently hosted a demonstration of a motorized sex toy on a woman in front of 100 gape-jawed students, has reached its sad yet inevitable conclusion: Professor Michael Bailey's human sexuality class will no longer be offered at the school.

Comment of the Day: The Business of Fucksawing

Richard Lawson · 03/08/11 07:40PM

We've been talking a lot about fucksaws recently! Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. Like when Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is referred to as "a human fucksaw." This prompted a commenter to wonder if we maybe had stock in the fucksaw and stood to gain from its mention. (We don't, sadly.) This question opened the door for some charming legalese/business-type speculation.

There Is a Worldwide Fucksaw Shortage

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/11 01:08PM

Alert: It is now virtually impossible to buy a fucksaw. I know; I know. JT's Stockroom, which is apparently the world's leading and perhaps only supplier of genuine fucksaws ("You hold it like a gun, and drill into the ass or vagina with powerful and steady force"), is completely sold out: "Due to high demand, this item is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please check back soon!"

America's Greatest University Demonstrates 'Fucksaw' For Captivated Students

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/11 01:29PM

Northwestern University simply cannot stop being awesome. From getting drunk and hollering about blowjobs to throwing blackface Halloween parties to producing a little rapper by the name of Chet Haze, Northwestern University never does anything less than the most awesome thing to do in any given situation. That's why regular schools have "Human Sexuality" classes, but Northwestern University has HOT LIVE FUCKSAW demonstrations: