Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 02:33PM
Meet Your New Godzilla: Japan's Mutant Butterflies
Caity Weaver · 08/15/12 11:30AMGeiger Counter-Wielding Fukushima Hipsters Make Monitoring Nuclear Fallout Cool
Adrian Chen · 04/30/12 03:41PM
It's been more than a year since the Japanese tusnami caused a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant and the clean-up continues. But a bit of background radiation has not stopped a crew of Japanese hipsters from doing their hip business in the area. They've formed the "Gamma Watch Squadron," the world's coolest nuclear watchdogs.
The Year in Lies
John Cook · 12/29/11 02:19PM
Lies: They travel halfway round the world before the truth gets its boots on. If you don't tell them, you never have to remember anything. Ask me no questions and I won't tell you any. The year that now comes to an end was, like all years, riddled with them. Grand lies and small ones, grave ones and frivolous ones, true ones and false ones—check that. They were all false. Here is a list of some of them that really caught my attention.
Mutant Bunny from Fukushima Freaks Everyone Out, Adorably
Maureen O'Connor · 06/09/11 11:56AM
Video of a mutant bunny born near Japan's quake-ravaged Fukushima power plant has gone viral. The bunny, which was born without ears, might be evidence of radioactive contamination, which may someday render the entire population of Japan microtic-anotic! Unless, of course, it's just a random birth defect. Every credible scientist in the world is leaning strongly toward the latter. Crazy people, however, are leaning toward the former, so the mutant bunny will probably be on the evening news tonight.
Radiation Levels at Fukushima Aren't 10 Million Times Higher Than Normal
Adrian Chen · 03/27/11 04:23PM
When is it good news to hear that radiation levels are 100,000 times higher than normal? When you at first thought they were 10 million times higher. Officials at Japan's stricken nuclear power plant say readings of staggeringly high radiation levels in water leaking from a reactor were mistaken. From the AP:
The Dim Future of Nuclear Power
Remy Stern · 03/26/11 02:24PMNew Fire Erupts at Japan Nuclear Plant
Remy Stern · 03/15/11 06:26PMThe Latest News from Japan
Jim Newell · 03/15/11 12:33PM
The good news, which is not really "good" news much at all, is that Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactors didn't all fully melt down in the last 12 hours. That may sound cynical, but if you were following the fast developments in last night's news, a total nuclear catastrophe really did seem imminent. It's still unclear, though, how much radiation is leaking into the air, and another mid-size (6.1 magnitude) earthquake did strike southwest of Tokyo overnight. Meanwhile, U.S. Treasuries are soaring! Here's the latest news.