The Rich Now Swooping Down on Foreclosures From the Sky
Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/10 10:24AMCollege Newspaper Gay Republican Date Rape Controversy!
Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/10 10:00AMYou Had to Smoke in the Club, Didn't You?
Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/10 11:08AMReagan National Airport Is Broken
Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/10 01:46PMEnter the Rape Tunnel, For Art
Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/09 03:53PMCreate Your Own Kenyan Birth Certificates and Save!
Pareene · 08/05/09 03:15PMThe Fun You're Missing in Davos!
Pareene · 01/30/09 05:41PMBill Clinton's Day, Encapsulized
Pareene · 01/20/09 03:15PMRove & Friends Laugh Off Shoe-Bomb
Pareene · 12/18/08 03:40PMOne More Thing: Our Favorite Olds
ian spiegelman · 10/05/08 07:14PM
Many, many movies and TV shows have been wholly saved by the presence of a sage oldster. While there certainly is ageism rampant in Hollywood—illustrated by the fact that there are just a freaking ton of new "actors" and "actresses" starring in flicks and shows that no one over 25 could ever identify—there is still, and always has been, a beloved place for the elders. So that's the preamble. I'm getting us started with Joel Grey kicking much, much ass in 1985 when he was just starting to become an old.
Behind the Scenes at 'The Price is Right' 1982
ian spiegelman · 09/21/08 02:27PMOne More Thing: New York City in Movies and TV
ian spiegelman · 09/06/08 07:07PM
A location can be as much the star of a movie or television show as the actors and actresses whose names top the credits. And New York is perhaps the biggest star ever (Yes, I know there are many other starry cities, but tonight we're doing NYC). So, what's your favorite movie or TV show where the Big Apple and its culture, sensibility, and aesthetic is intrinsic to the narrative? Mine is after the jump.
One More Thing: Greatest Non-Humans in Movies and TV
ian spiegelman · 07/20/08 06:12PM
Film and television are not just mediums where mere human beings get to show off! They're also for the animals and aliens and all sorts of strange beings who make our lives that much more livable. So who are your favorite furry, or slimy, or scaly, or just plain not-human stars of the big and little screens? Share! My selection-I'm still in a monkey sort of mood-after the jump.
One More Thing: Greatest Summer Movies of the 80s
ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 05:48PM
In honor of the first official summer weekend, let's share our favorite summertime flicks from the golden 80s. You know, movies that came out in, take place in, or just make you harken back to the sultry days of the summers of your youth. I'll get us started with the endearing tale of four best friends wandering through an idyllic American landscape to view a rotting corpse.
One More Thing: Movies' Most Awesomely Lovable Losers
ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 06:02PM
Stoners, drunks, hypochondriacs, neurotics, dumb-asses, freaks, nerds-guys and gals that just cannot for the life of them get their shit together! They're the freaking best! They rule movies just like monkeys rule all animal videos! Who is your favorite silver screen fuck-up character? I'm going with someone deliciously obvious for starters.
Robbie Knievel's Record-Breaking Bike Jump
ian spiegelman · 05/25/08 11:09AM
It's not an American summer holiday weekend if some crazy bastard doesn't pull off a life-threatening stunt. So, last night at an Ohio amusement park, Robbie "Son of Evel" Knievel jumped his motorcycle 200 feet through the air, hopping 24 delivery trucks and breaking his dad's 1975 record of 14 trucks in the process. Video of the jump, after the jump.
One More Thing: The Sounds of Summer
ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 04:42PM
Summer at last! So what songs does this glorious time of year bring to mind? You know, music appropriate for beach parties, pool parties, long drives in convertibles, non-ironic rooftop barbecues, or just fooling around with some cutie under the cool comforting whir of your trusty air conditioner? My video pick's after the jump. What's yours?