
George Clooney's Backyard Function for Obama Sets New One-Night Fundraising Record

Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/11/12 08:02AM

George Clooney's $40,000-a-plate fundraiser for President Obama, co-hosted by DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, took place last night at Clooney's Studio City manse, and was, by all accounts a resounding success: The event is believed to have shattered the previous one-night fundraising record of $11 million set by Obama in 2008, bringing in as much as $15 million thanks to the 150 deep-pocketed donors in attendance.

Aretha Franklin Loves PBS

Matt Cherette · 09/24/10 02:14PM

Aretha Franklin is amazing—haven't you heard? Case in point: here's a mashup of Franklin's recent appearance on PBS for a fundraiser, put together by fourfour's Rich Juzwiak. Inside, talk of cheesesteaks, Franklin's grandmother, Patti LaBelle, PBS, and more!