
Ben Carson Is Black

Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/15 12:25PM

Jonah Goldberg, a Republican National Review columnist, is a white man. Do you think this means that he is not attuned to the nuances of race in America? You are wrong.

Danny Bonaduce is a Badass Ninja

Bryan Ridgell · 09/13/10 05:30PM

Danny Donaduce has hidden his impressive nunchuck-wielding skills from the world, until now. The video, along with the musical accompaniment of U2, speaks for itself.

Emily Gould · 12/17/07 04:45PM

Hey, so! Emily here. Just so you know, I'm going on vacation tomorrow through the day after Christmas, something I'd been planning to do before I decided to give the longest notice ever. I'll be back for a few magical days at the end of the month. Ideas about stunts I should pull then would be appreciated—send them! I really have no idea what to do. I don't have an enemies list or a link to Josh's secret blog or, really, that many cat pictures I haven't already posted.