
A Guide to Finding the G-Spot, Based Wholly On Songs About the G-Spot

Emma Carmichael · 04/26/12 03:32PM

Where is the G-spot? No one seems to know for sure, except for a gynecologist named Adam Ostrzenski, who examined a dead lady's vagina and found "grape-like clusters of erectile tissue" in a one-centimeter sac in between the fifth and the sixth layers of the dead lady's vaginal wall. This grape-like formation, Ostrzenski says, is the G-spot.

A Good Any Time Gift

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/08 01:43PM

Somebody in Britain (God?) is now mass marketing a $1,600 injection that women can get to triple the sensitivity of their G-spot, and increase its area "to the size of a 10p coin and a quarter of an inch high." I don't know British money, that's like, the size of a CD? "Woman sex drug | For female multiple orgasms | Makes G spot swell," summarizes The Sun. Nice. [The Sun UK]

Sexually Frustrated Ladies In NYC, Nerve.com Needs You

Maggie · 11/07/07 05:25PM

We are all born out of an orgasm," cries Nerve.com in their Craigslist ad seeking "sexually frustrated women of all ages" for their documentary series, "Sex-Ed." True! Also, a little franker than we really prefer before lunch when the subject is our own conception, but never you mind! If you've had difficulty achieving orgasm or never have and you live in the New York City area, Nerve.com is happy to give you a reacharound, so long as you let them film it—for free, natch. What's in it for you besides your 15 minutes, which surely, you will live to regret?