
Lost Love Letter

Pareene · 06/16/08 04:59PM

A friend found this sad postcard this morning, abandoned. It is a love letter, dated May 26, 2008. It is addressed to "My dearest Mike" and signed "Love: Annie." It was found in the saddest place in the world: the platform of the Nassau Ave G Station. He would like to know if it is yours. Email us if you are Mike or Annie or maybe if you just would like to adopt a stray kitten.

Dear G Train: F!*&ing Blow Me

Sheila · 04/16/08 10:40AM

God. Oh my God. It's 8:45 and I'm pacing around like a crazy person on the subway platform again. The G train, man. The fucking G train. It's gone from mild annoyance to genuine outrage to pure, paranoid obsession. Everything, I mean everything, wrong with my life can be traced back to this train.