
You Can Now Major in Lady Gaga Studies

Brian Moylan · 10/29/10 01:55PM

The University of South Carolina will be offering a class called "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame" beginning next spring, taught by an obsessed professor with a Gaga fansite. Finally a college class with so many real world applications.

How Much Racist Ranting Does It Take to End Mel Gibson's Career?

Adrian Chen · 07/10/10 09:26AM

Mel Gibson gets dropped by his talent agency. Ryan Seacrest picks up the tab. Lindsay Lohan won't be able to smoke in prison. James Franco dishes on fake sex with Julia Roberts. Saturday's gossip roundup looks like a Vegas Whore.

MTV Bans "Telephone" Music Video, Remains Completely Irrelevant

Matt Cherette · 03/14/10 05:58PM

CNN reported today that MTV has decided to ban the airing of the music video for Lady Gaga and Beyoncé's "Telephone" on its network. The most shocking thing about this is that MTV still believes its decision matters. Video inside.

Suze Orman: "I Am a Total Lady Gaga Freak"

Matt Cherette · 03/13/10 10:45PM

On her show tonight, Suze Orman entertained a request from a woman who wanted to buy $1,400 headphones. Orman then went on a sweet/hilarious/awesome tangent about her love for Lady Gaga—love that's not reciprocated, apparently. Video inside.

The Triumphant Return of Lindsay's Nether Region

Andrew Belonsky · 09/08/09 05:00AM

Lindsay Lohan's vagina makes a surprisingly discreet reappearance, Michael Jackson's good for real estate, Perez Hilton lied to Tyra and Lady Gaga talks blow.