
Top Chef: A Snob's Guide to Eateries

Brian Moylan · 12/16/10 01:17PM

There are two types of foodies—the type of normal person who just likes a really good meal and the affected, hoity-toity, proselytizing snob. When the cooking monkeys raided four Manhattan eateries all the snobs came out to play.

The Gawker Guide to Summer TV

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 06/03/10 03:03PM

Summer's here! Are you fretting that there's nothing on television? Well, stop living in the past! We don't live in a school-year-dictated world anymore. Here are some shows you should consider watching to help pass the hot months, safely indoors.

Live Blogging Top Chef Masters, Week 1

MisterHippity · 04/07/10 08:00PM

Are you a live-blogging master? I'll bet you are! Why not showcase that mastery by joining our live-blog of Top Chef Masters? The new season starts tonight, and we're live-blogging it in the comments section of this post.